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毕 业 论 文 题目:北京链家房地产经纪有限公司的营销策略研究 摘 要 随着经济的日益发展、社会的进步和人口的增长,人们对住房的需求会日益增加。90年代后,我国住房分配制度也逐渐消失,转向商品房购买形式。房地产中介服务行业就像一座桥梁,贯穿在房地产业经济运行的全过程之中,是房地产业的重要组成部分,为房地产业的生产、流通和消费提供了多元化的中介服务。 在中国,与房地产相关的中介服务公司起步较晚,既是一个年轻的行业,又是一个蓬勃发展的行业,近10年以来已显示出强大的生命力和广阔的发展前景。面对我国越来越激烈的房地产市场,房产经纪公司的营销策略已经成为企业立足的根本。本文主要从4P角度研究北京链家房地产经纪有限公司的营销策略,分析该公司发展的情况,提出企业为获得长久的生存和发展要不断采取新的营销策略,适时而变,适应新的环境,蓬勃健康发展下去。 关键词:房地产 服务 营销策略 Abstract With the increasing economic development, social progress and population growth, demand for housing will be increasing. After 90 years, Chinas housing allocation system has gradually disappeared, turned real estate purchase form. Real estate services industry is like a bridge, is an important part of the real estate industry, which runs through the whole process of the real estate economy among the real estate industry for the production, circulation and consumption to provide a wide range of intermediary services. In China, the real estate services company late start, both a young industry, but also a booming industry in the past 10 years has shown strong vitality and broad prospects for development. Face of increasingly fierce real estate market, real estate brokerage companys marketing strategy has become a business based on the fundamental. This paper studies from the perspective of marketing strategy 4P Beijing Homelink Real Estate Brokers Ltd., analyze the situation of the companys development, proposed enterprises to obtain long-term survival and development should continue to adopt new marketing strategies, timely and change, to adapt to the new environment, flourishing healthy develop. Key Words:Real estate services marketing strategy 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 引 言 1 1 基本理论论述 2 1.1市场营销环境理论论述 2 1.1.1市场营销环境概念 2 1.1.2市场营销环境特点 2 1.2 4P营销理论论述 3 1.2.1 4P基本概念 3 1.2.2 4P理论的框架结构 3 1.3主要研究方法 3 1.3.1调查法 3 1.3.2文献研究法 4 1.3.3定性分析法 4 2北京链家房地产经纪有限公司简介 4 2.1公司经营状况 4 2.2 主要产品简介 4 2.2.1一手房代理服务 4 2.2.2二手房买卖服务 5 2.2.3自如友家租房服务 5 2.2.4投资产品“家多宝” 5 2.3


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