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姓名:刘伟 班级:12采1 A detonator is a device which is explode through fire device,so it can detonate explosive。A detonator is one of the main materials of blasting engineering。 雷管是通过点火装置使其爆炸而引爆炸药的装置。雷管是爆破工程的主要材料之一。 雷管( detonator ) 1.火雷管 2.电雷管 (1)瞬发电雷管 (2)秒延期电雷管 (3)毫秒延期电雷管 (4)数码电子雷管 3.非电雷管 Fire detonator (火雷管) A fire detonator explodes through pass the flame of the fuse。 火雷管通过导火索传递火焰。 Structure(结构示意图) 1-管壳 2-传火孔 3-加强帽 4-正起爆药 5-加强药 6-聚能穴 An electric detonator(电雷管) An electric detonator is an ignition equipment detonated by electric energy。The difference between it and the fire detonator isthat it leads out two insulated conducting wire。 电雷管是以电能引爆的起爆器材。它和火雷管的区别是引出两根绝缘导电线。 An electric detonator of Instantaneous explosion (瞬发电雷管) An electric detonator of Instantaneous explosion immediately explodes when it connects electricity。 瞬发电雷管为通电立即爆炸的电雷管。 1-脚线 2-管壳 3-密封塞 4-纸垫 5-桥丝 6-引火头 7-加强帽 8.9-正起爆药 10-副起爆药 秒延期电雷管- An electric detonator which does not explode until it is a second after connecting electricity The difference between it and the electric detonator of Instantaneous explosion is that it adds a delicate fuse。 它与瞬发电雷管的区别是增加了一段精致的导火索。 Structure(结构示意图) 9-精致导火索 毫秒延期电雷管- An electric detonator which does not explode until it is a millisecond after connecting electricity 毫秒延期电雷管与秒延期电雷管的区别在于延期药不再是导火索,而是氧化剂、可燃剂和缓燃剂的混合物。其延期时间短,要求精度高。 Structure(结构示意图) Digital electronic detonator(数码电子雷管) The essence of digital electronic detonator is that an integrated circuit replaces common chemical elements。The biggest advantage of digital electronic detonator is small delay error 数码电子雷管的本质是集成电路取代了普通化学元件,它最大的优点是延期误差小。 Structure(结构示意图) An electric detonator explodes by initiating power 。 电雷管通过起爆电源起爆。 起爆电源包括: 1.电池 2.交流电源 3.直流式起爆电源 An non-electric detonator (非电雷管) An non-electric detonator is an detonating tube detonator,and it is not only the initiation material, is
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