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第*章 具体章节标题 本科学生学年论文 论文题目: 单片机最小系统测控课程设计 学 院: 电子工程学院 年 级: 专 业: 自 动 化 姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师: 2016年5月1日 PAGE PAGE II 摘要 意义:单片机比专用处理器最适合应用于嵌入式系统,因此它得到了最多的应用。事实上单片机是世界上数量最多的计算机,现代人类生活中所用的几乎每件电子和机械产品中都会集成有单片机如:手机、电话、计算器、家用电器、电子玩具、掌上电脑以及鼠标等电脑配件中都配有1-2部单片机,而个人电脑中也会有为数不少的单片机在工作,汽车上一般配备40多部单片机,复杂的工业控制系统上甚至可能有数百台单片机在同时工作!单片机的数量不仅远超过PC机和其他计算的综合,甚至比人类的数量还要多。因此单片机地研究前景比较广阔。结合本专业选取8051单片机作为研究方向。 内容:单片机最小系统中应用到的芯片、外设及接口电路等,通过扩展单片机外设,包括单片机储存器、数模转换、模数转换、数码管显示模块和键盘输入模块,并将软件设计和外围芯片结合来实现最小系统的功能;掌握单片机系统设计与实施的一般原则,基本实现从理论到实践行动,巩固所学的知识;同时学会微机系统的硬件和基础软件设计,学习硬件和软件系统的设计经验,以及基本的技能和调试。 成果:单片机可靠性高、便于扩展、控制功能强、低电压、低功耗、片内存储量小、集成度高、应用于社会生活的各个方面。 关键词 关键词:单片机;数模转换器;模数转换器;光电隔离;掉电保护;接口扩展 Abstract Meaning: the single chip processor is the most suitable for the embedded system, so it has the most application. In fact SCM is the worlds largest number of computers, modern human life in almost every piece of electronic and mechanical products will be integrated single chip such as: mobile phone, telephone, calculator, household appliances, electronic toys, palm computers and computer accessories such as a mouse are equipped with 1-2 SCM and PC will also have a large number of SCM in the work, the general car with more than 40 SCM, complex industrial control systems may have even hundreds of SCM to work at the same time! SCM is not only far more than the number of PC machines and other computing, even more than the number of human. So the research prospect of single chip computer is quite broad. Combined with the professional selection of 8051 single chip as the research direction. Content: minimum system of microcontroller is applied to the chip, peripherals and interface circuit, by extending MCU peripherals, including SCM storage, digital to analog conversion, analog to digital conversion, digital tube display module and a keyboard input module and will software design and peripheral chips are combined to achieve the function of the minimum system; master MCU


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