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馬祖列島與海洋環境文化研討會 談馬祖列島的『曲蹄』族 On the Ku-te Ethnic Group of the Matsu Archipelago 陳仲玉 Jonas Chung-yu Chen 中央研究院歷史語言研究所兼任研究員 摘 要 中國自古以來,有一種長年居住在水上的族群,稱「蜑民」,但在閩江流域者, 自稱「曲蹄」。這一族群的活動範圍,僅限於閩江流域的內河及閩江口附近的海域, 因而他們在古時也來到馬祖列島,甚至可推早到史前時代。雖然現在馬祖列島已 經很少有他們的蹤跡,但仍在地方誌中有些傳說和地名的連繫性。在此項研究中, 筆者曾訪問到現在碩果僅存的一位「末代曲蹄」,對他的受訪,因而得以印證。由 閩江流域「曲蹄」的研究,筆者認為自古生活在東南與南方沿海的所謂「蜑民」, 他們可能是古代越人的後裔,即是「南島語族」的遺留。 關鍵詞:蜑民、曲蹄、閩江流域、馬祖列島、南島語族 Abstract In ancient China, there are ethnic groups living on the water, as sea or river nomads, called dan people, but those in the Min River, claimed to their name as ku-te. They scope their activities only in the Min River valley and its estuary vicinities. Therefore, they also came to the Matsu archipelagos in ancient times, even earlier to the prehistoric. Although, the Matsu Islands have very few of their relic remains, but there are still some local legends and ethnographical names of links. I fortunately have an opportunity to make an interview to a ku-te who is currently the only one in the Matsu islands, so called “the last ku-te of Matsu”. From this study of ku-te, as well as dan, in those areas, I believe that they are the descendents of Yue people who living in the south and southeast coast of China might be the Austronesian legacy. Keywords: dan people, ku-te, the Min River valley, Matsu islands, Austronesian 2-3-1 馬祖列島與海洋環境文化研討會 一、引 言 在中國境內,長年生活在水上的人家一般稱 「蜑民」,但閩江流域則稱「曲蹄」。 筆者童年時,曾經有二次與閩江流域的曲蹄接觸。雖然事隔七十年,因是特殊情 況,故而記憶猶新。今者,因在馬祖的東莒島發現的熾坪隴史前遺址下方有一地 名「科蹄灣」,而引發動機寫作此短文。 筆者出生後兩歲就發生中日戰爭。戰爭的末期家鄉福


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