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第八章 (2349---2690) 2349 Your vessel is to dock bow in at a pier without the assistance of tugboats. Which line will be the most useful when maneuvering the vessel alongside the pier? Bow spring line. Inshore headline. Stern breast line. Bow breast line. 你船靠泊船首在码头并没有拖轮协助。哪一根缆绳最有用当你操纵船舶靠泊时?首倒缆 2350 Your vessel is loaded with non-hygroscopic cargoes and is going from a cold to warm climate. You should ______. Start the exhaust blowers. Start the intake blowers. Not ventilate the cargo holds. Ventilate the cargo holds. 你船装载不吸湿的货物自寒冷地区到温暖地区。你应货舱不通风。 2351 Your vessel is listing because of a negative GM. To lower G below M, you should ______. Deballast. Transfer weight to the high side. Ballast on the high side. Add weight symmetrically below G. 你船因为GM高度不足导致倾斜。为降低G在M之下,你应在G下对称地增加重量。 2352 Your vessel is listing 4? to port and has a short rolling period. There is loose firefighting water in the hull. The ship is trimmed down by the head with one foot of freeboard at the bow. Which action should you take first? Press up the slack No.1 starboard double bottom tank. Pump out the forepeak tank. Eliminate the water in the tweendecks aft. Jettison stores out of the paint locker in the fo’c’sle. 你船左倾4度且横摇周期短。船壳内有自由流动灭火留下的水。船舶首倾且首干舷1英尺。你应最先采取什么措施?排出首尖舱的水 2353 Your vessel is going from a warn climate to a cold climate with a hygroscopic cargo. Which statement is true? You must ventilate constantly and vigorously to combat ship sweat. You should ventilate, there is little danger of ship sweat, but a possibility of cargo sweat. There is danger of heavy cargo sweat if you ventilate. There is little danger of any sweat problem. 你船装载吸湿的货物自温暖地区开往寒冷地区。哪一句是正确的?你必须连续且旺盛地通风以防止船体出汗 2354 Your vessel has a midships engine room and the cargo is concentrated in the end holds. The vessel is ______. Sagging with tensile stress on main deck. Sagging with compressive stress on main deck. Hogging with tensile stress on main deck. Hogging with compressive stress on main deck. 你船的机舱在船中部并且货物集中装在船的首尾部。船舶有拉伸主


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