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盟的贸易;继续扩大人民币在东盟国家的流通,推进人民币东盟化;全面考虑人民币汇 盟的贸易;继续扩大人民币在东盟国家的流通,推进人民币东盟化;全面考虑人民币汇 率篮子各种货币的权重问题。 关键字:人民币汇率双边贸易 中国一东盟空间杜宾模型(SDM) ffI 万方数据 STUDY洲洲Y STUDY洲洲Y EXCHANGE队TE 0N CH I№T0 ASEAN B l LATERAL T胜DE 0F SPAT I AL SP I LLOVER EFFECTS ABST队CT From 2000 to 20 1 4,Great changes had taken place between China and the The Asean,As China and The Asean economic integration Constantly push forward,China and The Asean Contact more and more closely,even said that they are a common destiny.The development of CNY internationalization,Study the effect of the china-the Asean bilateral exchange rate on bilateral trade,on the one hand,makes the sustainable healthy development of relations between China and the Asean,on the other hand,Can help the CNY become a key currency in the association of south-east Asian nations(the Asean),at the same time,it will accelerate the process of CNY intemationalization. According to the previous information,the author first reviews combed the related theory, then analysis the china—the Asean bilateral exchange rate and the bilateral trade from2000·20 1 4,Based on 2000-20 1 4,bilateral exchange rate between China and the Asean countries,bilateral trade,GDP and per capita income data of the Asean countries,constructed geographical spatial weight matrix In line with the actual conditions of China association of south-east Asian nations(the Asean),Through test to select fixed space,time,random effects of Spatial Durbin Model(SDM).Then,the author improved spatial econometric analysis,Set”geographic and economic”spatial weight matrix,and test the china-the Asean bilateral exchange rate and the bilateral trade,Finally chose the two—way fixed effects of Spatial Durbin Model(SDM),Test results showed that:(1)There exists negative spatial spillover effect,also there exists spatial spillover effects in the Asean countries to China’S net exports。Showing that among Asean countries in their trade of our country exists both competitive and complementary.In future we c



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