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Abstract. .ⅥI
1.Introduction ..1
1.1 Research background and significance .2 1.1.1 Research background .2
1.1.2 Research significance 6
1.2 Research contents and methods .9
1.3 Innovations and deficiencies .1()
2.Literature review . ........................ .. ................................ ..... . .. . . .12 2.1 Lterature review on TEE】U 12
2.2 Literature review on CEERI .1 7
2.3 Literature review on the impacts on real economy by Exchange rate .21 3.The theory and methodology of EERI based the ffade perspective .25 3.1 The theory and methodology of TEERI .25 3.1.1 The theory ofTEE】U 25
3.1.2 The introduction ofthe constructing methods ofEERI .36
3.1.3 The analysis and commets the constucting methods of EERI ..46
3.2 The CEERI on trade perspective 48
3.2.1 The EERI based the industiral perspetive 48
3.2.2 The EE砌based on the enterpise perspective ~5 l 3.2.3 The EEⅪbased the different trade partners perspective .53
3.3 Chapter summarry 55
4.The theory and methodology of EERI on the financial perspective 58
4.1 The EERI based the Capital weighting 59
4.1.1 Relevant theoretical foundation 59
4.1.2 The introduction and analysis on the constructing method .60 4.2 The EERI based on the attrrativeness ofassets perspective 一64 4.2.1 Relevant theoretical foundation 64
4.2.2 The introduction and analysis on the constructing method .66 4.3 The EERI based the costs of financing perspective .67 4.3.1 Relevant theoretical foundation 67
4.3.2 The introduction and analysis the constructing method .69 4.4 The EERI based the International Investment Position perspective ..70 4.4.1 Relevant theoretical foundation. . .70
4.4.2 The introduction and analysis the constructing method .7 1
4.5 The Future Financial Effective Exchange Rate Index....... ...... . 72
4.5.1 Relevant theoretical foundation 73
4.5.2 The introduction and analysis on the constructing method .75 4.6 Chapter summary .. . ...... ... . .. .. .....78
5.The cons
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