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的降 的降水对基坑周围的地面沉降的影响。以有限元方法对地下连续墙的施 工过程进行数值模拟,通过计算机数值软件的辅助,达到对开挖过程进 行仿真的目的。并通过与实测结果的对比分析,验证分析模型的合理性。 关键词:深基坑,地下连续墙,侧向位移,沉降,数值分析 II D IS D ISPLA C EM E N T PR E D IC TIO N O F D IA PH R A G M W A L L IN D EE P EX C AVAT IO N O N SO FT C L AY A B ST R A C T W ith the developm ent of econom y and the im provem ent of society, utilization ofunderground space has becom e the im portantfield in the city construction.W ith the predom inantperform ance ofthe diaphragm w all,itis a high using value construction technologies. It can used as m ain body structure (or part of the structure), as the structure w aterproofing of underground slurry,also the earth retaining w allstructure. Construction ofdiaphragm w allw illarouse the horizontalstress ofthe soil,the displacem entand the volum e deform ation of the soil.T he building nearby w ill becom e inclining, cracking even breakdow n, w ith the soil displacem entbehind the w all and the surface settlem ent.Soil deform ations, w ater level descents and collapses caused by diaphragm w allconstruction, for the reason of passing through under the buildings and the underground pipeline system s w ill affect the above m unicipal facilities and buildings seriously.So itis im portantto m onitor the behavior of the surrounding soil w hile the diaphragm w all construction period. Those data w ill help to validate oradjustthe design param eters. This paper presents detailed inform ation about the construction of the m etro station,the key construction technology, and the m ain construction process and construction effects in open-excavation. Firstly, this paper III m m akes a careful study of the engineering environm ent, engineering hydrogeology condition of the m etro station. Then, the pum ping construction technology ofdeep foundation pitin softclay area is presented, the foundation w ell in every parts w ere reasonably distributed and constructed;atlastthe theory of tim e-space effectw as adopted to guide the process of e


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