护理学导论 第12章 健康教育.pptVIP

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角色扮演法 | 优点 不足 注意事项 实地参观法 | 优点 不足 注意事项 示范法 | 优点 不足 注意事项 个别会谈法 | 优点 注意事项 展示与视听教学法 | 优点 不足 注意事项 1.健康教育是通过信息传播和行为干预,帮助个人和群体掌握卫生保健知识,树立健康观念,自愿采纳有利于健康的行为和生活方式的教育活动与过程,其核心问题是促使个体和群体改变不健康的生活方式。 Health education is to help individuals and groups to acquire the knowledge of health care, build up the concepts of health, voluntarily adopt habits and lifestyles which are beneficial to health. It is mainly through information dissemination and behavior interventions. The main goal is to promote individuals and groups to change their unhealthy lifestyles. 2.健康教育一方面需要通过人们自我学习或相互学习取得经验和技能,另一方面还需要通过有计划、多部门、多学科的社会实践获取经验。 On one hand, health education requires people to gain experience and skills by learning on their own or from each other. On the other hand, they need to gain experience from a planned, multidepartment and multi-disciplinary social practice. 3. 健康教育和健康促进之间是不能相互取代的。健康教育是健康促进的必要条件,没有健康教育也就没有健康促进;健康促进是健康教育发展的结果,是健康教育发展的最高阶段。 Health education and health promotion cannot be replaced by each other. Health education is a prerequisite for health promotion Without health education, health promotion could hardly exsit; health promotion is the ultimate goal for developing health education. 4.健康教育相关理论和模式是健康教育活动的指南,可帮助理解、分析行为变化的过程,是评估健康需求、实施健康教育计划、评价健康教育结果的理论框架。 The theories and models of health education serve as a guide to actual education activities. They can help to understand and analyse the processes of behavior change. They are the theoretical framework for determining health demands, implementing health education programs and evaluating the results of health education. 5. 健康教育程序包括评估学习者的学习需要,设立教育目标,拟定教育计划,实施教育计划及评价教育效果五个步骤。 Health education programs can be divided into five steps which include an assessment of the clients learning needs, establishment of educational goals, development of education programs, implementation of educational programs and evaluation of educational results. 6.健康教育方法包括:专题讲座法、讨论法、角色扮演法、实地参观法等,需要根据不同对象选取一种或多种适宜的方法,以促进教育效果。 Health educat


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