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机考第一卷??? 1、ETA/pilot??reverting?后告means_____B_____.预抵引航站的时间后告表示() A. ETA pilot station has been given?抵达引航站的时间已告诉你?? ?B. ETA pilot station will be given afterwards以后告诉你抵达引航站的时间?? C. ETA pilot station was not given?抵达引航站的时间还没告诉你? ?D. ETA pilot station is given 2NO4725 3#517#?you are going to ___A__ .?(继续往前)你会搁浅 a. run aground????b. run grounded???c. aground???d. run grounding 4/NO4775 5#1742#Whose duty is it to examine and verify the state and condition of the cargo carried on board???????C?????.[1721/1890]?由下列哪个人来检查确认船上所载货物的情况 A. Tally man’s?理货员B. Marine surveyor’s海事检验员C. Cargo surveyor’s?货物检验员D. Boarding inspector’s登轮检查官 6#?NO4685????????7#NO4701 8#1477. What is the main purpose of dunnage __B______.垫舱料的作用是() A.To act as ballast for light vessels?作为空船的压载水B.To provide ventilation and drainage for cargo?为货物提供通风及排水C.To secure the tarpaulins in place固定帆布D.To support weakened bulkheads?支撑强度减轻的舱壁 9#?NO4531 10#1662# The extinguishing agent most effective for combating wood fires is __A____.?#903 扑灭木材火灾最有效的灭火材料是() A.Water?水B.Carbon dioxide?二氧化碳C.Foam?泡沫D.Dry chemical?干粉 11#?NO4740????????12#NO4684 13# 828#1016#?the damaged cargo is not allowed to export without _C_. 未经(修理或更换),受损货物不得出口。 a. repairing or replacing??b. to repair or to replace??c. being repaired or replaced被动式??d. to be repaired or replaced 14#71. when a wind blows round clockwise, it is __D_ .?当风向顺时针方向吹时,叫做() a. variable?不定b. changing???c. backing逆时针变向??d. veering?顺时针变向 15#NO4583 16#when reversing, the tidal stream will have a period with little or no effict. This is called the ________A______.当潮流转向时,将有一段时间潮流没有什么变化,叫做() A.Slack平潮??B. range???C. rise???D. spring 17#?662#mariners are to ensure that charts and publications are _A__ . 航海人员应确保海图及出版物(保持改正) a. kept corrected被动??b. kept correctly??c. keeping corrected???d. keeping correctly 18#NO4759 19#参考NO4745#?two vessels meeting in a head-on situation are directed by the rules to _A__. 两船处于对遇局面,根据规则应() a. alter course to starboard and pass port to port?向右转向,左对左过 b


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