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航海英语一:船舶修理 一、修理的种类Repair Lists Kinds of Repair 修理的种类 Voyage Repair 航次修理 Annual Repair 岁修修理 Guarantee Repair 保修修理 Occasional Repair 临时修理 Additional Repair 补充修理、加帐修理 三、有关船舶修理的句子Sentences Regarding Ship’s Repair Repair List and Expenses 修理单和费用 I’ve come to check with you the items in your repair list. 我是来和你核对修理单上的项目的。 We have some additional repair items. Here is the additional repair list. 我们有些补充修理项目。这是补充修理单。 Please make out the additional items within two days of the dry-docking of the ship. 请在船舶进坞后两天之内制出补充修理单。 Let’s discuss the items on the repair list one by one. 让我们一项一项地讨论修理单上的项目。 If you have any questions about the repair list, you can talk to our chief officer/chief engineer/personnel on duty. 如果对修理单你还有什么问题,可以和我们的大副/轮机长/值班室人员谈。 I think it’s better to make some alteration/modification to Item No. xx. 我想最好对XX项修理内容做些更动/改变。 Please give me some more detailed explanation about this repair item. I don’t think it is clearly stated. 请更详细地给我解释一下这个修理项目。我觉得它说得不清楚。 You should strictly follow the instructions stated in the repair list and ensure the quality of every item. 你们应该严格按照修理单上的要求,保证每个项目的修理质量。 The main jobs should be checked or tested in the presence of one of our officers/engineers. 主要工程应在有一位驾驶员/轮机员在场时进行验收或试车。 Who can I go to if there are any problems during the repair? 如果修理过程中出现问题,我该去找谁? If there are any problems during the repair, please inform our engineer on duty immediately. 如果修理中有什么问题,请立即通知值班轮机员。 When can you give me your quotation? We’ll decide something according to it. 什么时候能给我你的报价?我们将根据它作出某些决定。 I’m afraid you charged too much for this item. It’s no reasonable. 恐怕对这一修理项目你要价太高了。它毫无根据。 If a large additional account is involved, you must have our consent first. 如果牵涉到大笔费用,你必须先征得我们的同意。 Please check this itemized bill. 请核对下这一份分项帐单。 Please itemize the accounts according to the order of our repair list. 请根据我们修理单的顺序分项开帐。 Item 201 to 213 are average repairs. They should be listed separately in the bill. 第201到212项是海损修


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