
Emergency Risk Communication Principles and Applied ...课件.ppt

Emergency Risk Communication Principles and Applied ...课件.ppt

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Emergency Risk Communication Principles and Applied ...课件.ppt

Testing and Training of Effective Risk Communication Principles 关于有效的风险沟通原则的测试及培训 In January 2007 activities in Fujian Province to test 2007年1月在福建省开展的活动,测试了: If training on the risk communication principles in the guidelines was effective? 关于指南中风险沟通原则的培训是否有效? Whether the risk communication principles in the guidelines were effective for Chinese public audiences. 指南中的风险沟通原则是否对中国的公众有效? #1 Was training risk communication principles in the guidelines effective?关于指南中风险沟通原则的培训是否有效? Did the training enable local health officials to write messages that included the risk communication principles? 该培训是否能让当地的卫生工作者在编写信息时应用风险沟通原则? Message development and risk communication training January 22 and 23, 2007 1月22-23日信息开发及风险沟通培训 19 Sanming City and Zhangzhou City officials 19名来自三明及漳州的卫生工作者 Hospital administrators 医院管理者 Local Health Emergency Response Office (HERO) officials 当地应急办人员 Local China CDC officials 当地CDC工作人员 #1 Was training risk communication principles in the guidelines effective in helping local health authorities to better communicate with the public during an emergency? 指南中的风险沟通原则是否可以帮助当地卫生部门在突发事件中对公众开展更好的沟通? The health officials participated in a hypothetical case study involving a 3 stage scenario involving an outbreak of H5N1. 卫生工作人员参加了一个分为3个阶段的关于禽流感爆发的虚拟案例分析 After each stage they wrote messages they thought would best meet public need for information based on the scenario. 每个阶段后,他们都编写了一段他们认为可以最好的满足公众需求的信息, Stage 1 a large outbreak of human H5N1 was discovered in Indonesia. 阶段1:印尼发生了大规模的人禽流感爆发 Stage 2 the outbreak spreads to China, Thailand, Malaysia, but not yet to Fujian Province. 阶段2,疫情传入中国,泰国,马来西亚但还没波及到福建 At this stage of the scenario it is confirmed that the virus is spreading from human to human. 本阶段,病毒被确认可以在人与人间传播。 Stage 3 of the outbreak reaches Fujian Province. 阶段3 疫情传播到了福建。 #1 Was training risk communication principles in the guidelines effective in helping local health authorities to better communicate with the public during an emergency? Following


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