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go to park excited break(打碎) window sorry dog lost(丢失) sad (1):happy , sorry , sad, shy, angry, excited, proud. (2):I’m/I feel… Let’s draw! (每人至少画四张脸的图像, 通过自己的想象为每一张脸添上不同的 表情,并且用英语向家人和朋友说说。 Peter has a new book.He feels happy.) How do you feel when you...? Lets sing a song: Unit 11 I’m sorry Fairy Swim, swim, I can swim. Wash, wash, I can wash. Water, water, I can water. Make, make, I can make. Play, play, I can play. Take,take, I can take. Collect,collect, I can collect. (Iron/Clean/Sing...) Lets play a game: Scissors,paper,stone smoke,use,fish,talk,spit,pick,park... We can see with our eyes.We can hear with our ears.We can feel with our hearts. feel 感觉,感受 悲伤的 快乐的 兴奋的 自豪的 害羞的 生气的,发怒的 抱歉的,难过的 sorry shy happy proud excited sorry angry sad excited 现在你是魔法师,请你变出各种表情, 让同学们来猜吧!(action)记住! 使魔法生效的口令是 :One , two ,change ! I am sad. Im sad. I feel happy. She feels angry. He is sorry. He feels excited. She is proud. He feels shy. Let’s chant ! Happy, happy, I’m happy. Angry, angry, I feel angry. Sad, sad, I’m sad. Shy, shy, I feel shy. Sorry, sorry, I’m sorry. Proud, proud ,I feel proud. Excited, excited,I’m excited. I can dance ; I feel happy. I can’t dance ; I feel sad. I can play basketball; I feel happy /… I can’t play football ; I feel sad /… I can I feel run fast; proud /... birthday happy gift


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