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1 8 Note: Please pick from this and the following 7 charts those 3 or 4 which you see fit best - depending on your audience. We offer these services in virtually every market. In the larger ones sometimes through specialist units. Dataservices, Teleservices, Design Direct and Interactive represent 28% of our total business worldwide (35% in Europe). OgilvyOne teleservices operates in 10 markets (Taiwan, Singapore, Hongkong, Malaysia, Philippines, China, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany and UK). Total number of workstations exceeds 600. For Design Direct information see Ken Gray‘s papers. For OgilvyInteractive see the Interactive credentials (to come in June 98). 9 10 1 1 客户关系管理原则 - 消费者终身价值 单一客户创造的价值 获取消费者的成本 发展与保持消费者的成本 推荐 交叉购买 新购买量 基础购买量 升级购买 资产增长的驱动力 时间 我们是中国最有经验的CRM服务商 咨询 沟通 联接 Teleservices 电话行销 Dataservice 数据服务 Loyalty 忠诚度计划 Direct 直效行销 Interactive 互动行销 步骤 9: Step 9: 建立评估系统 追踪品牌资产 Tracking brand equity 调查方法 Methodology 何时评估 Review cycle 了解品牌资产的变化 What is your brand equity? 检视行销传播计划的根据 Basic review of marketing communication plan 步骤 10: Step 10: 投资品牌 持续一致,不轻易改变 Invest in brand consistently over time 我们经常看到的... 有钱就投,没钱就不投; 新领导不喜欢这个logo; 把钱花在媒体的购买上,总有人看见,好过给代理商赚去; 。。。 持续投资在品牌的建立上,尽管在财务或 景气困难时。 Continue investing in brands even when the financial goals are not being met. 避免换个领导人,换个品牌策略,换个广 告公司,换支广告影片。 Avoid the mindset of change the manager, change the brand strategy, change the advertising company, change the commercials? 预祝成功 1 2 1 3 3 4 NOTES: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5 5 6 6 7 7 步骤 4: Step 4: 确认品牌与消费者的关系 Identify the relatio


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