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Staying healthy教学设计与反思

3 Staying healthy 学 校 主讲教师 教 材 广东版开心英语 教学对象 小学六年级(2)班 课 时 第四课时 课 型 Reading and Writing Teaching Objectives 1. Language knowledge and skills: 1) Function: Ss will be able to talk about their own living habits according to some key words and pictures. 2) Vocabulary: Ss will be able to use these words and phrases during discussion and writing properly : enough vegetables junk food plenty of too much a lot of 3) Target language: Ss will be able to say and use the following sentence structures correctly: It is bad for/good for me. They are bad for/ good for me. 2. Affective attitudes : 1) Ss will be able to like speaking English to communicate with others as much as they can. 2) Be able to get the sense of cooperation during the discussion in group work. 3) Be able to get the awareness of the importance of good habits to health during daily life. Key points Ss will be able to talk about their own living habits according to some key words and pictures. Be able to write a passage about their living habits according to the work sheet and key words. Difficult points Ss will be able to write a passage about their living habits according to the work sheet and some key words. Analysis of the students 本班学生经过将近6年的英语学习,已经具备一定的语言积累,知识储备和英语学习经验。他们中大多数基础知掌握良好,掌握了一定的写作技能技巧,对英语有浓厚的兴趣,具有口语表达能力和阅读能力。但也有少数学生已经失去了刚开始的兴趣,出现严重的两极分化。 Teaching Procedure Teaching Aims Step1. Preparation 1.Warm up ----- Greetings T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Miss Qin. T: Shall we begin our class? Ss: Yes! ----- Free talk T: Wow! It’s Thursday. What a cool day! What season is it now? It is summer? S1: No. It’s fall. T: Yes, it’s fall. In fall, there are many apples . Do you like apples? Ss: Yes! / No! T: I like apples very much. They are good for us. Just like an old saying“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Can you read it? Ss: Yes! An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 课前简短的问候,为上课做好准备。 自由谈论中缓解气氛,营造轻松的语言环境,从谈论


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