PEP四年级上册Unit Three My friends. A Read and write.教学设计.doc

PEP四年级上册Unit Three My friends. A Read and write.教学设计.doc

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PEP四年级上册Unit Three My friends. A Read and write.教学设计

PEP四年级上册Unit Three My friends. A Read and write. 教学设计 教学目标: 能听,说,认读,在四线格上规范书写字母Ss, Tt, Uu, Vv。 能听,说,认读以Ss, Tt, Uu, Vv字母开头或含有其字母的单词。 能发现字母在单词当中的发音。 能正确写出单词teacher 和student。 教学重点: 能听,说,认读,在四线格上规范书写字母Ss, Tt, Uu, Vv。 能听,说,认读以Ss, Tt, Uu, Vv字母开头或含有其字母的单词。 教学难点: 1.能发现字母在单词当中的发音。 2.能正确写出单词teacher 和student。 学情分析: 三年级字母教学Let’s say的教学目标是学习了26个英语字母的读音和以其开头的单词。学生基本能读准字母的名称,认清字母的形态,并能认读单个字母。学生已明白单词是由字母组成的,学生能掌握读出以其字母开头的单词。所以我把四年级Read and write 的字母教学目标定为能在四线格中规范书写大小写字母;能感受字母在单词中的发音,尤其是辅音字母的发音,让学生基本能掌握看词知音的能力,能根据单词的发音写出以辅音+元音+辅音结构的单词。 教学过程: Warm-up and review: Greeting: Hello. How are you? What’s your name? Who’s your friend? Free talk: What does your friend look like? What’s his/her name? [设计意图]与学生交流,谈论他的朋友,既结合本单元的学习重点——描述朋友的外貌,又为下个环节引出Mr Black 和Chen Jie作准备。 Lead-in: Guess: A. I have a friend. He’s tall and thin. He has big eyes and a big mouth. What’s his name? B. I have a friend. She’s quiet. She has big eyes and big ears. What’s her name? Observe the picture and lead the students say out Mr Black is a teacher. Chen Jie is a student. Fill in the missing letter on ppt. Mr Black is a _eacher. Chen Jie is a _tudent. Situation : Post a task (group the words) Mr Black gives Chen Jie a task. Can you help her? Get in groups of 4 and group the words. [设计意图]通过描述猜出人物Mr Black 和Chen Jie, 让学生填写_eacher ,_tudent所缺的字母,为学生最终能写出这两个单词作辅垫。小组活动:四人小组合作将以“S, T, U, V”字母开头的单词分组。 Presentation: Learn the name and writing of letters: “Ss, Tt, Uu, Vv” Correct the letter name of V Copy the letters in Activity Book. Find the letter sound of “Ss, Tt, Uu, Vv” Watch the CD-rom and discuss in groups. [设计意图]活动一通过四人小组合作将单词按相同字母开头或含有相同字母分类,充分调动学生的积极性、自学性和合作能力。活动二:看课件光碟,然后小组合作找出字母在单词里的发音。 Pratice: Hold up the word cards. Listen and Do Give a word begins with “s”. Stand up when you hear /t/ sound in the words. Choose a word different from others. Clap your hands when you hear /v/sound in the words. van, fan, friend, vest, nest, TV, violin, window Do the action. She is a student.(When you hear the /s/sound, jump.


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