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44 7 Vol.44, No.7 2 0 0 8 7 SCIENTIA SILVAE SINICAE Jul., 2 0 0 8 * 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 徐建民  李光友  陆钊华  项东云  曾炳山  张宁南  郭洪英 (1. 510520; 2. 530001; 3. 610081)  : 2008 , 8 ()。 : 24°15′—26°54′N, 104°—118°E, , 、、, 、、 3 , 300~ 600 m 。 、、、、, , 。 , DH201-2 , DH32-29 GL9 , , 。 , 。 : ;;;; :S781.1   :A   :1001-7488(2008)07-0103-08 Investigation on Eucalypt Forest Plantations Subjected to the Freezing Catastrophe in Southern China 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 Xu Jia mi  Li Gua gyou  Lu Zhaohua  Xia g Do gyu  Ze g Bi gsha  Zha g Ni g a  Guo Ho gyi g (1.Research Institute of TropicalForestry , CAF  Guangzhou 510520; 2.Guangxi Academy of Forestry  Nanning 530001; 3.Sichuan Academy of Forestry  Chengdu 610081) Abstract: Eucalypt forest pla tatio s were seriously subjected to a great catastrophe which was caused by heavy s ow a d freezi g rai over eight provi ces i souther Chi a i early 2008.Afterwards, surveyswere carried out to exami e the severity of damage to eucalypt forest pla tatio s a d the tolera ce of differe t species to the extreme low temperatures.It was fou d that the freezi g disaster mai ly happe ed to eucalypt pla tatio s which were located i geographic areas with latitudes betwee 24°15′to 26°54′N a d lo gitudes 104°to 118°E, a d altitude from 300 to 600 m.however, the pla tatio s were established i souther Hu a a d Jia gxi a d, those i orther Gua gxi a d Gua gdo g provi ces, most seriously damaged.I dividual trees i the pla tatio s were mostly be t towards the grou d or broke up by heavily accumulated s ow or ice, the bark burst ope a d shots with fo



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