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Monitoring X-Attack Traffic over Aggregate Network
Su-Chiu Yang Li-Ming Tseng
Computer Center of National Department of Information Engineering of
Central University National Centr al University
center7@.tw tsenglm@.tw
摘要 A. Motivation
隨著電腦計算效能的快速提升, 愈來 The convenience of the Internet has
愈多的攻擊病毒利用開放的傳輸協定,發 driven its acceptance as the main means of
動超量X -Attack 攻擊 : 產出鉅量的 data communication, and also has brought
UDP/ICMP Flooding 封包虛耗網路資源, various benefits. However, the open
transmission protocols also have provided
壅塞 WAN 傳輸.為防止超量攻擊訊務的持
an excellent opportunity for numerous
續擴散,影響沿徑 routing 網段訊務,本研究 attacking programs and network worms to
擷取區域網路中心 router 的訊務轉送 log, flourish. The Internet has experienced a
統計host-to-host 的非自律性 Packet/ Byte/ rapid increase in the frequency of attack
Flow 訊務量,實做超量攻擊訊務監測網頁, events from network worms or viruses, for
與自動化的攻擊訊務阻絕與通告系統,並 example, the CodeRed/ Nimda worm in
統計單日的 UDP/ICMP Packet/Byte 標準 2001, the Scalper/Slapper worm found in
2002, and the Slammer and the Blaster