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Virtual multiple inheritance suppose we have the following definitions: class BaseClass { public: int DataValue; }; class DerivedClass1 : public BaseClass { // … }; class DerivedClass2 : public BaseClass { // … }; * class MultipleClass1 is derived from both DerivedClass1 and DerivedClass2: class MultipeClass1 : public DerivedClass1, public DerivedClass2 { // … }; MultipeClass1 A; A.DerivedClass1::DataValue = 100; A.DerivedClass2::DataValue = 200; Click to view complete source * class DerivedClass3 : virtual public BaseClass { // … }; class DerivedClass4 : virtual public BaseClass { // … }; class MultipleClass2 : virtual public DerivedClass3, virtual public DerivedClass4 { // … }; DerivedClass3::DataValue DerivedClass4::DataValue BaseClass::DataValue * CHAPTER 10 application programmer interface graphical user interface event-based programming callbacks mouse events graphical programming timer events bitmaps The EzWindows API: a detailed examination * API * 计算机硬件 系统软件(操作系统等) 支撑软件(开发工具等) 基础软件 电子 商务 应用软件 CAD 远程 教育 电子 政务 MIS 软件之间的关系 * Hardware OS (Windows) EzWindows API * A Simple Window Class The prototype of the constructor for the SimpleWindow class is: SimpleWindow( const string WindowTitle = “Untitled”, float Width=8.0, float Height=8.0, const Position WindowPosition=Position(0.0, 0.0) ); * Example SimpleWindow HelloWindow( “Hello EzWindows”, 10.0, 4.0, Position(5.0, 6.0) ); HelloWindow.Open(); assert(HelloWindow.GetStatus() == WindowOpen); To create a window: * Example HelloWindow.RenderText( UpperLeft, LowerRight, “Hello EzWindows”, White, Black ); To display text in the window: text foreground color text background color Click to view source * How EzWindows works? * the Bitmap Class EzWindows provides a facility that enables us to display bitmaps in a window. Click to view source. * MOUSE EVENTS EzWindows also provides a simple facility for using the mouse. The basic idea is that the application tells EzWindows what function to call


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