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毕业设计(论文) 基于PRO/E的果蔬篮注塑模具设计 THE DESIGN OF INJECTION MOULD OF FRUIT AND VEGETABLE BASKET BASED ON PRO/E SOFTWARE 学生姓名 学院名称 专业名称 指导教师 20**年 5月 27日 摘要 塑料制品在日常生活中应用广泛,注塑模技术己成为衡量一个国家产品制造业水平的重要标志之一。在CAD/CAM技术得到普及的同时,CAE技术应用越来越广,以CAD/CAM/CAE一体化的技术得以发展,模具新结构、新品种、新工艺、新材料的创新成果不断涌现,使得注塑模的发展迅猛。 本文在参考大量国内外文献的基础上,对果蔬篮进行模具设计,综合运用Pro/E和MoldFlow软件设计出一套合理的注塑模具,主要做了以下几个方面的工作:运用Pro/E软件对果蔬篮进行三维模型重构;根据相关理论知识,合理选用塑件材料、注塑机,模架等,并进行了相关校核;运用模流分析软件MoldFlow,分析了塑件的最佳浇口位置,预测翘曲变形、熔接痕,气穴等缺陷,并校验冷却系统能力等;确定了型腔数目及布局,选择分型面并进行了浇注系统设计;设计型腔、型芯的结构并进行了相关尺寸计算,同时设计了侧抽芯机构及冷却系统等,最终完成整副模具的设计及装配。 关键词 注塑模具;果蔬篮;Pro/E;模流分析 Abstract Plastic products are used widely in our daily life, and the technique of injection mold has been one of the most important measurements of product manufacturing level for a country. When the technique of CAD/CAM is used diffusively, the technique of CAE is also used more and more popular. With the new composition, new varity, new technique and new metarial invented, the integration of CAD/CAM/CAE and injection mold is developing. This article refer to lots of literature to redesign a Fruit and vegetable basket mold, it use the softwares of Pro/E and MoldFlow to design a reasonable injection mold. Our reasearches are focus on the following aspects: The Fruit and vegetable basket 3D modeling by Pro/E. Select reasonable plastic materials and injection molding machine refer to some relevant theoretical knowledge. Use the software of MoldFlow to analysis the best gate, predict the warping deformation, welding trace, cavitation and exam the capability of cooling system .Determine the numbers of cavities and locations; choose the parting line and determine the feed system. Design cavity, cores of structure, calculate the relevant dimensions, design side core-slide and cooling system, ensure mold assemble. Keywords Injetion Fruit And Vegetable Basket Pro/E Moldflow 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc294892419 摘要 PAGEREF _Toc294892419 \h I HYPERLINK \l _Toc2


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