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单位代码 学 号 分 类 号 密 级 毕业设计(论文) 基于Matlab的指纹图像特征提取 院(系)名称 专业名称 学生姓名 指导教师 2012年 5 月 15 日 第 PAGE I页 基于Matlab的指纹图像特征提取 摘 要 随着社会的发展,传统的基于信物或口令的安全系统显得越来越脆弱,不能适应现代安全系统的需要,因而人们需要研究更加安全可靠,防伪性能更好的安全系统。指纹识别技术就是在这种背景下产生的,它借助人体的生理特征来提高身份识别的可靠性,目前已经成为国内外研究的热点。 指纹识别大体分为三个步骤:预处理、特征提取和特征匹配。本文集中于研究特征提取部分,并针对特征提取中的一些关键算法和实现进行了研究和优化,其主要内容如下:在特征提取方面,本论文采用了一种8邻域编码纹线跟踪算法,标注出端点和分叉点来进行特征提取;在剔除伪特征点时,先进行去边缘处理,再根据不同类型伪特征点的特征,采用相应剔除算法。实验表明,以上算法具有较小的运算量和较高的准确性。上述算法在本文中均用Matlab实现,取得了较好的效果,为后续的特征匹配工作打下了良好的基础。 关键字:指纹特征提取,去除伪特征,算法仿真 Matlab-based fingerprint image feature extraction Abstract With the development of society, the traditional safety system based on keepsake and password has been weaker, Which can not meet the requirement of modern safety system. In this case, the need of a more reliable safety system with higher anti-fake performance prompts the appearance of fingerprint identification technique. This technique, with a higher safety and reliable performance, can improve the reliability of identity resolution in virtue of human body’s physiological feature, and it has been a research focus these days. Fingerprint identification falls into three parts, they are pretreatment, feature extraction, and characteristic matching. The thesis mainly focus feature extraction, it optimized and innovated some key algorithms of this parts, which can be described as follows: in the feature extraction part, the thesis used a eight-neighborhood coding ridge tracing algorithm, removing some templates of consecutive points and bifurcate points which have been optimized and removed in the thinning algorithm, and finally marking terminate points as well as bifurcate Points to execute feature extraction. Experiment result indicated that such new algorithm has a less operati



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