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PAGE l 摘要 本次毕业设计的主要内容是北京永合商业文化广场中央空调系统设计,该建筑共六层,该楼的总建筑面积约为21812,总的空调面积约为14711,总的冷负荷为:2322.1kw,热负荷为:382.69 kw。制冷(热)机组采用两台长沙远大的溴化锂直燃式冷热水机组夏季供冷,冬季供热。其型号为BZ100,单台制冷量为1163kw,供热量为897kw。建筑空调区域分为营业厅、放映厅、办公室等功能区。根据各不同功能房间,将该集中系统分为两种空调方式,高大空间如营业厅、放映厅等采用了全空气系统;办公室、放映室等小空间的房间采用风机盘管加独立新风系统;水系统采用闭式双管异程式(其中立管采用回水管同程式),其调节方式采用一次泵变流量系统,选用冷却水泵三台,两用一备,冷水水泵三台。地下室车库和设备房设置防排烟排风,采用同一个系统,选用双速风机,平时排风,发生火灾通过控制排烟口的启闭和风机的风速排烟。 关键词: 全空气系统 风机盘管加独立新风 防排烟 直燃机 PAGE l Abstract The topic of my graduation design is the comprehensive ventilation, and central air-conditioning system design of. Yonghe Mall. The building is located on Beijing, and its building area is about 21812 square meters, and total air condition area is about 14711 square meters, total cold load is:2322.1 kw, total hot load is:382.69 kw. The Refrigeration (heat) unit are two LiBr direct-fired hot and cold water-cooling units which made in YuanDa .They refrigeration in summer and provide heating in winter and Its type is BZ100, single cooling capacity is 1163 kw, and the heating capacity is 897kw...The air condition area is comprised by business halls, offices and ect. According to the function room and the design requirements, there are two preject are adopted, the fan disk pulsing new wind and returned cycle air system. The high and big space such as business halls, cinema adopt returned cycle air system. Other small space rooms adopt the fan disk pulsing new wind system. The water system The design project of water system is different programming ,cycle type and double pipe system. The regulation means is variable flow pump system,I chose three cooling water pump, a dual-use preparation, three water pumps. The basement garage and the equipment installed with exhaust ventilation system, adopting the same of system, choosing to use a double-speed fan, exhausting air at ordinary times and exhausting smoke while taking place a fire. Keyword: central air-conditioning system ;Fan coil units (FCUs)--fresh air system ;Whol



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