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戒毒的困难性 戒毒后复吸率达90%以上,原因有三: 1 生理(身体)因素:成瘾后一旦停药,出现戒断综合征(如哈欠、流泪、恶心、呕吐、腹泻、发热及全身疼痛,甚至痛不欲生等症状)。对这些戒断综合征的处理虽已积累了一定的经验,但真正完全脱毒的具体效果尚难确定; 2 精神(心理)因素:吸毒者对毒品的兴奋、欣快和致幻的“想瘾”或“心瘾”甚难自控,一旦有机会就很容易复吸; 3 社会环境因素:是最棘手的问题,贩毒者手段毒辣,多为团伙勾结,加之已戒毒的瘾君子意志薄弱,一旦受到诱惑即会复吸。 社会对吸毒者应持的态度:多数吸毒者具有好奇-自愿-不能自拔的过程,他们是“受害者”,因此要促使他们树立信心,用毅力去戒毒。要强调康复治疗,包括心理康复、生理康复以及工作技能培训及职业康复,使之回到正常健康的社会中去生活。 珍爱生命 远离毒品 (七)药物成瘾的研究进展 1 脑成像技术与成瘾的脑部定位研究 正电子发射X光断层摄影(positron emission tomography,PET) 单光子发射计算机X光断层摄影(single photon emission computed tomography,SPECT) 核磁共振成像(magnetic resonance imaging,MRI)和 功能性核磁共振成像(functional MRI,fMRI) 脑电图(electro-encephalography,EEG): Addiction is a Chronic Disease Many Factors are Involved in Addiction Drug addiction shares many features with other chronic illnesses, including a tendency to run in families (heritability), an onset and course that is influenced by environmental conditions and behavior, and the ability to respond to appropriate treatment, which may include long-term lifestyle modification.1 Addiction is a chronic disease similar to other chronic diseases such as type II diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease. Human studies of addictive behaviors have clearly implicated both environmental and genetic influences, as well as interactions between the two. While genetics play a major role in defining who we are, the environment in which we are raised is just as influential. Evidence from adoption and twin studies demonstrate that addiction, like other chronic diseases, is a heritable disorder and that genes play a role in vulnerability to addiction. Genes can also play a role in protecting individuals from addiction. Addiction is a chronic disease similar to other chronic diseases such as type II diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease. Relapse is Common in Addiction and Other Complex Chronic Diseases 4 大麻; 5 致幻剂,能改变意识形态或知觉感受,如麦角酸二乙酰胺(LSD) ﹑仙人掌毒素等; 6 挥发性溶剂: 如丙酮、苯环已哌啶(PCP)等 7 烟草(尼古丁) 六 药物依赖与成瘾的生
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