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教 案 2010 ~ 2011 学年第 一 学期 课程名称: 大学英语 授课教师: 课程所属系(部): 应用外语系 课程名称: 大学英语 授课班级:10食品(1)班 课程类型: □理论课  □实践课 总学时:64 学分:4 使用教材:(主编、书名、出版社、出版时间) 翟象俊主编《21世纪大学实用英语综合教程》(1) 复旦大学出版社 2007年4月第一版 教学方法、手段:讲授、讨论、练习 考核方式:考试 主要参考书目: 1. 《21世纪大学实用英语综合练习》(1)总主编:翟象俊 余建中 陈永捷 复旦大学出版社出版(普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材) 2.《21世纪大学实用英语教学参考书》(1)总主编:翟象俊 余建中 陈永捷 复旦大学出版社出版(普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材) Date: Sep. 25, 2010 Period: 2 Content:Unit 1 listening and speaking Teaching aims: After studying this unit, the students are expected to be able to Grasp the basic skills necessary to understand and talk to other people when meeting them for the first time; Understand the main ideas of Text A, B and C, and master the useful sentence structures and words and expressions found in the relevant exercises of the first two texts; Know clearly how to use the present simple and past simple tenses of English; Fill in a form with their personal information; Understand the main idea of an English paragraph and identify the topic sentence. Teaching focus: 1. To learn how to start a conversation with other people 2. How to talk about yourself. 3. Explain some language points to Ss. 4. Explain some grammar points to Ss. Teaching difficulties: 1. How to improve Ss’ speaking ability. 2. How to improve Ss’ listening ability. Teaching procedures: First Period Step 1 Preview (5 minutes) The teacher explains the Preview so that the students will have some idea of what this unit is about. This is the first unit of Book One. In the Listening and Speaking section, you will learn how to start a conversation with other people and how to talk about yourself. Then, the teacher will give the students a chance to introduce you. Step 2 listening and speaking (40 minutes) 1) Introducing Yourself (20 minutes) A. listen to the first half of the short talk in Exercise 1 twice and fill in the missing words; B. listen to the second half of the short


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