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经典文档 下载完可复制编辑 经典文档 下载完可复制编辑 经典文档 下载完可复制编辑 摘 要 随着时代的发展,Internet日益普及,网络已经成为信息资源的海洋,给人们带来了极大的方便。但由于Internet是一个开放的,无控制机构的网络,经常会受到计算机病毒、黑客的侵袭。它可使计算机和计算机网络数据和文件丢失,系统瘫痪。因此,计算机网络系统安全问题必须放在首位。作为保护局域子网的一种有效手段,防火墙技术备受睐。 本文主要阐述了网络安全技术所要受到的各方面威胁以及自身存在的一些缺陷,所谓知己知彼,百战不殆。只有了解了网络安全存在的内忧外患,才能更好的改善网络安全技术,发展网络安全技术。然后主要阐述防火墙在网络安全中起到的巨大的作用,防火墙的优缺点及各种类型防火墙的使用和效果。 计算机网络技术的在飞速发展中,尤其是互联网的应用变得越来越广泛,在带来了前所未有的海量信息的同时,网络的开放性和自由性也产生了私有信息和数据被破坏或侵犯的可能性,网络信息的安全性变得日益重要,只有熟悉了各种对网络安全的威胁,熟悉各种保护网路安全的技术,我们才能更好的保护计算机和信息的安全。 关键字:计算机网络;网络安全;防范措施;防火墙技术 Abstract With the development of The Times, the Internet has become increasingly popular and network information resources of the sea, and bring great convenience。 But because of the Internet is an open, without control network, computer virus, often by hackers。 It can make the computer and the computer network, the system files and data loss。 Therefore, the computer network system security problems must be given priority。 As the protection of local subnet an effective means, firewall technology。 This article mainly elaborated by network security technology to every aspect of the threat and its existence, some defects, so-called awareness。 The existence of the 1930s and network security, can improve network security technology, the development of network security technology。 And then expounds mainly firewall in network security of huge role plays, advantages and disadvantages of various types of firewall use and effect of the firewall。 The computer network technology, especially in the rapid development of the Internet is becoming more and more widely applied in brought an unprecedented huge amounts of information, network of openness and freedom in the private information and data were damaged or infringed, the possibility of network information security is becoming increasingly important, only familiar to all kinds of network security threats, familiar with various protection network security technology, we can better protect the computer and information s


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