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Weld World (2014) 58:19–28 DOI 10.1007/s40194-013-0077-8 RESEARCH PAPER Fatigue strength improvement of steel structures by high-frequency mechanical impact: proposed procedures and quality assurance guidelines Gary Marquis Zuheir Barsoum Received: 18 March 2013 /Accepted: 29 May 2013 /Published online: 16 June 2013 # International Institute of Welding 2013 Abstract High-frequency mechanical impact (HFMI) has Keywords High-frequency mechanical impact (HFMI) . emerged as a reliable, effective, and user-friendly method for Weld toe improvement . Fatigue improvement . Quality post-weld fatigue strength improvement technique for welded control structures. During the past decade, 46 documents on HFMI technology for fatigue improvements have been presented within Commission XIII of the International Institute of 1 Introduction Welding (IIW). This paper presents an overview of the lessons learned concerning appropriate HFMI procedures and quality In 2007, Commission XIII: Fatigue of Welded Components assurance measures. Due to differences in HFMI tools and the and Structures approved the best practice recommendations wide variety of potential applications, certain details of proper concerning post-weld treatment methods for steel and alu- treatment procedures and quantitative quality control measures minum structures [ 1]. This recommendation covers four are presented generally. Specific details should be documented commonly applied post-weld treatment methods: burr grind- in an HFMI procedure specification for each structure being ing, tungsten inert gas (TIG) remelting (i.e., TIG dressing), treated. It is hoped that this guideline will provide a stimulus to hammer peening, and needle peening. Burr grinding and TIG researchers working in the field to test and co


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