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实用标准文案 精彩文档 Comparison of the Adoption of Satire between Swift and Lu Xun Hu Anyi A Graduation Thesis Submitted to Foreign Languages Department of Tangshan Teachers’ College In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of B.A. Tutor: Li Jianhua Specialty: English Direction: Literature Tangshan, Hebei province May, 2008 摘 要 鲁迅和斯威夫特都是文学巨匠, 都为本国文学乃至世界文学做出了杰出贡献。本文试把他们作品的讽刺艺术作比较。首先, 本文从讽刺内容上对鲁迅和斯威夫特的作品进行了比较。他们不仅讽刺了统治阶级, 揭露了社会的黑暗, 并呼吁人们对社会进行革命性的变革, 而且还讽刺了人性的弱点,对人性提出了疑问。接着本文比较了两人的文章中的表达技巧。他们都使用了夸张, 鲜明的对比和强烈的反讽。最后, 对他们讽刺的措辞进行了比较。他们文章中的语言都是诙谐幽默, 尖锐泼辣, 简洁而又质朴的。分析和总结二人讽刺艺术相同点, 有利于我们体悟讽刺艺术的特点,加深对讽刺艺术的理解。中西方文化在激烈的碰撞中演进,出现了很多难以克服的问题, 讽刺艺术仍有极强的生命力。两人的讽刺艺术对于我们认识和书写现实社会和现实人生不乏启迪意义, 作品中显露出的思想也仍有着很强的现实意义, 这些都值得我们去深思和研究。 关键词:讽刺 比较 内容 表达技巧 措辞 Abstract Both Lu Xun and Swift are the most renowned writers; both of them had contributions to national literature and even the world literature. This paper has carried on the comparison from the satire angle to their works. First of all, this paper compares the works of Lu Xun with Swift from satirical contents. They not merely satirize the ruling class, reveal the darkness of the society, urge for revolutionary changes to the society, and have exposed the frailties and weakness of human beings and questioned the human nature. Next, this paper compares the techniques of expression between this two writes. This part analyses the utilization of exaggeration, distinctive contrast and sharp irony. Finally, it compares their satiric dictions. They have both used humorous, sharp and simple language. Through analyzing and summarizing the similarities of their satire art, it helps us to comprehend the characteristic of art, deepen the understanding to art of satirizing. Now the culture of Chinese and Western are evolving in the mutual exchange, many difficulties questions appeared; therefore satirical art still have very strong vitality. The thoughts displayed in works of Lu Xun and Swift still have singularly p


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