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锅炉整体启动 锅炉冷态启动 CFB锅炉的冷态启动操作 Operations of cold start of CFBB 锅炉参数 Two. Boiler parameter 额定蒸发量Rated evaporation 75t/h 额定蒸汽压力Rated steam pressure 5.3MPa 额定蒸汽温度Rated steam temperature 485℃ 给水温度Feed water temperature 150℃ 排烟温度Smoke-exhausted temperature 150℃ 锅炉设计效率 Boiler designed efficiency 88.2% 排污率Sewage rate 2% 1. 开车前的准备工作 prepared works before start 1.1煤仓上满煤,上煤前关闭煤仓下部的闸板 Full fill the silo with coal, shut the bottom flashboard before filling 1.2给锅炉上水,通常上到-100毫米 Feed water for the boiler, usually to the level of -100mm 1.3上床料,上10 mm筛下的底料,上到静止的料层450---550mm Feed material which under the screen of 10 mm mesh on bed, to the quiet thickness of 450---550mm 1.4 点火4小时前,投上电除尘瓷瓶电加热装置 Put on the electrical heater of the wire connecting poles of ESP 4hours before ignition 1.5 检查所有风机和冷渣器冷却水,确保水量水压正常流量 Check the cooling water for all kinds of fans and bottom ash coolers, to ensure the pressure and flow amount are normal 1.6通知电气值班人员,给所有的辅机送电 Inform the electrical watchers of supplying power to all the auxiliary equipment 1.7通知热控值班人员,投有所有热控仪表 Inform the IC watchers to put all the IC devices into use 1.8 检查并关闭所有风机进出口挡板 调节门 Check and close the inlet and outlet damper of fans, 1.9 启动点火油泵备用,将油泵出口油压调整到1.5--2.0MPa之间 Start up igniting oil pump and regulate the exit pressure between 1.5--2.0MPa for stand by. 2. 开车 start up 2.1 按程序启动引风机,然后启动送风机 Start up the ID fan, FA fan in sequence. 2.2 逐渐增加一次风量,打开燃烧室人孔,用肉眼观察床料的流化情况,当所有床料完全流化时停止加风,记下当时风量作为本次点火 的最小流化风量。 Increase the amount of primary air gradually, open the manhole of the dense region, observe the fluidizing status by naked eye, stop increasing the air when all the materials on bed are fluidized, and record the air flow as the critical fluidizing air flow. 2.3 关闭人孔,增大一次风量,让床料彻底强烈流化,突然停掉一次风,打开人孔观察床面是否平整,床面平整表明布风均匀,如果哪里床料有堆积,一定要清理床料检查风帽。 Close the manhole, increase the air flow again to make the materials fluidizing violen



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