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实用标准文案 PAGE 精彩文档 XXXXXX学院 学位论文 网上拍卖系统的设计与实现 论文作者姓名: 申请学位专业: 计算机科学与技术 申请学位类别: 工学学士 指导教师姓名(职称): 论文提交日期: 年 月 日 网上拍卖系统的设计与实现 摘 要 网上拍卖是新兴起的一种网上交易方式。它具有成本低廉,方式灵活,运行快捷等特点,通过Internet将拍卖活动变成每一位网民都可以加入其中的交易方式。但它在给人们带来便利的同时也带来了很多的问题。它的公平、公正、公开性受到大家的关注。其可靠性和安全性更是大家关心的问题。这就要求不仅要在系统的设计上做到公平合理,也要在信息的传输上做到安全可靠,以构建一个公平又安全的交易平台。 本文构建了一个基于B/S模式的网上拍卖系统,为买卖双方搭建了一个灵活自由并且安全可靠的交易平台。本文着重论述了系统的模块设计、数据流程和功能实现。其功能包括用户注册、登陆、网上拍卖、网上竞价、商品有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站、购买者对商品的评价、购买者留言、后台数据库管理、拍卖者信用度的统计等功能。包括如何运用JAVA、JavaScript、JSP等关键技术建立网上购物系统,并在web服务器上配置SSL以保证敏感信息的安全传输。 关键词:网上拍卖;JSP;SSL;竞价 The Design and Realization of Online Auction System Abstract Online auction is a sort of new transaction emerged recently. It has a characteristic of inexpensive cost, flexible method and quick movement. It has changed the method of transaction into an auction movement which allows common people to join in through the internet. It brings people a lot of convenience, at the same time comes about some problems. People start to focus on its fairness, honesty and publicity. In addition, its reliability and security are more concerned. It’s not only required a fairness and rationality on the design of system, but also keeps the information security and reliability when transferring to construct a platform of fairness and security. The system designs an auction system based on the mode of B/S, and proposes a flexible and reliable environment for trade service. The thesis put most words on design of module, data flow and realization of function, including client register, login, auction, competition, commodity researching, comment and credible stat for person on auction. The thesis also discusses how to build up an online auction system with Java, JavaScript, Jsp techniques and configure the SSL to ensure the secure transmission of sensitive information on the web server. Key words: Online Auction; JSP; SSL; Competitive 目 录 论文总页数:28页 1 引言 1 2 绪论 1 2.1 本系统设计的意义 1 2.2 网上拍卖的起源 1 2.3 我国网上拍卖的现状 2 2.4 网上拍卖的营销方式 2 3 系统总体设计 2 3.1系统运行环境要


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