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摘 要 供水工程往往成为高层建筑或工矿企业和小型企业中最重要的基础设施之一。任何时候都能提供足够的水量、平稳的水压、合格的水质是对给水系统提出的基本要求。随着社会的飞速发展和城市建设规模的扩大,人口的增多以及人们生活水平的提高,对城市供水的质量、数量、稳定性等问题提出了越来越高的要求,我国中小城市供水的自动化配置相对落后,机组的控制主要依靠值班人员的手操作,控制过程烦琐,而且手动控制无法对供水管网的压力和水位变化及时做出恰当的反应。所以利用先进的自动化技术、控制技术以及通讯技术,设计高性能、高节能、能适应不同领域的供水系统成为必然趋势。 本文详细研究设计了一种基于PLC技术控制水泵组合供水系统,说明了可编程控制器(PLC)在供水系统中所担任的角色。从系统的整体设计方案和实际需求分析开始,紧密的联系实际生活的需要,力求做到使系统运行稳定,操作简便,解决实际中问题,保证供水安全、快捷、可靠。PLC技术控制水泵组合供水保证了供水质量,以PLC为主机的控制系统丰富了系统的控制功能,提高了系统的可靠性。 关键词:继电器,接触器,PLC,供水 ABSTRACT The water supply project often becomes one of most important infrastructures in the high-rise construction or the Industrial and mining establishment and the Small businesses. Providing the enough water volume at any time, the steady hydraulic pressure, the qualified water quality is the essential requirements which proposed to the aqueous system. With the progress development of social economic and the construct scale of city continuously enlarge .increasing of population and standard of living of people continuously improved, more and more demanding to quantity, quality and stability of water supply bring forward in city. The automatic degree of waterworks, the town is much lower than the correspondence in city. Especially in some old waterworks, the equipment of automatic control system is dropped behind. The control of unit is mainly depended on manual operating of watches. The progress of control is very complicated and that manual control can’t meet the change of pressure in the pipes and the water level of the pond.? It also can’t act the proper feedback in time. So it is inevitable tendency to design water supply system which has high function and saves on energy well, with help of advanced technique of automation, control and communication. At the same time this system can adapt different water supply fields. This article dissect design a inverter water supply system base on PLC technology to control ,have stated the role served as of the programmable controller (PLC ) in the water


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