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篇一:清算业务委托合同(中英对照) 财务及清算代理服务合同 financial and liquidation agent contract 甲方: aa有限公司 party a: aa 乙方:bb有限公司 party b: bb co., ltd. 甲乙双方对以下业务签订合约。 party a signs the contract with party b involving the following engagement 第一条(目的) article one: (aim) 甲方和乙方在互相信任的基础上,以确立公正的交易关系,谋求互相的利益和业务的发展为目的,签订本合约。 this contract based on mutual trust and fair deal aimed to the mutual interest and service development. 本合约未规定事项发生时,甲乙双方协商决定。 if anything not prescribed in this contract happens in the future, the agreement should be reached through negotiation between the parties. 第二条 乙方的责任和义务 article two: (resposibility and obiligation of party b) 1、乙方接受甲方委托,为甲方提供清算前代理记账及清算期间代理记账服务 party b provides bookkeeping agency service before and in the period of liquidation of party a. (1)根据甲方提供的清算期间现金流水账和银行流水账清单以及原始票据、凭证,负责审 核并制作会计记账凭证、设置会计科目和账簿,登记财务账簿; (1)check the cash daybook amp; bank statement as well as the original vouchers of the liquidation period provided by party a, and then make accounting vouchers, plan accounting subjects and accounting books, register accounting books; (2)在甲方清算期间代理甲方税务事项包括每月应纳税额的计算,代理填写纳税申报表和税 务申报手续(包括增值税和企业所得税、个人所得税等); (3)根据中国《企业会计制度》有关规定,编制清算期间中英文月度清算资产负债表和清 算损益表。 party b provides the following audit service: (1)对甲方201*年*月-*月经营情况进行审计,出具年度审计报告。 (1) perform auditing on the business condition of party a from ** 201* to ** 201* and issued audit report; (2)对甲方的清算情况进行专项审计,并出具清算鉴证报告。 (2) perform special auditing on the liquidation of party a and issue the liquidation verification report; 3、乙方接受甲方委托,为甲方代理注销下列政府颁发的证照 cancel the following licenses issued by the government on behalf of party a (1)工商营业执照;business license(2)税务登记证;tax registration certificate(3)财政登记证;financial registration certificate(4)统计证;statistical certificate(5)外汇登记证;foreign exchange registration certificate;(6)海关登记证;customs registration certificate (7)组织机构代码证等证照。organization code certificate 4、乙方接受甲方的委托,做好下列工作: party b will also provide the following services: (1)为甲方提供清算期间财务和税务咨询服务; (1) financial and tax cons


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