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实用标准文案 精彩文档 陇南山区产业结构调整与耕地面积 空间耦合关系分析 王永涛 摘要:相对有限的土地资源已经成为经济快速发展的瓶颈,研究产业结构调整与耕地资源变化的关系具有很重要的意义。该文根据1998—2008年陇南市耕地面积变更调查数据和社会经济统计数据,针对陇南市的耕地面积变化趋势进行了分析,并用统计分析和相关分析方法,对引起耕地面积变化的驱动力因素进行了研究,对陇南山区耕地面积和产业结构调整做了综合评价,并对二者的耦合关系进行了定量辨识。研究结果表明: = 1 \* GB3 ①近11年来陇南市耕地面积总体趋势呈线性下降,经历了缓慢减少-增加-缓慢减少-急剧减少的变化过程,且人均耕地面积也呈线性下降趋势。 = 2 \* GB3 ②以陇南市GDP、三大产业总值分别为自变量、耕地面积为因变量建立的回归方程表明,耕地面积变化与社会经济发展的综合实力和规模以及活跃度密切相关。 = 3 \* GB3 ③通过对该区域的产业结构效益和耕地面积变化率的分析,得出该区域的耕地-产业结构协调度分析,说明了在耕地面积减少不太的轻度区武都区、两当县协调度最好;处于深度区的康县、文县、徽县次之;低度区的西和县、成县最低。 关键词:陇南山区;耕地面积;产业结构;耦合关系 Longnan mountainous area of industrial restructuring and land Analysis of spatial coupling Wang yong tao Abstract: The relatively limited land resources, rapid economic development has become the bottleneck of industrial restructuring and the relationship between cultivated land change has very important significance. The article according to Longnan 1998-2008 survey data of cultivated land change and socio-economic statistics for the city of cultivated land change Longnan trends are analyzed and used statistical analysis and correlation analysis method, causing the driving forces of cultivated land area change factors a study of the cultivated area and the mountain Longnan do a comprehensive evaluation of industrial restructuring, and the coupling relationship between the two quantitative identification. The results showed that: ① the past 11 years, the overall trend of cultivated land Longnan linear decline, experienced a slow decrease - increase - slowly decrease - sharp decline in the change process, and the per capita arable land is also a linear decline. ② to Longnan GDP, total value of the three industries were the independent variables, cultivated land area as the dependent variable to establish the regression equation shows that cultivated land change and socio-economic development of comprehensive strength and size and is closely related activity. ③ industrial


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