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PAGE 2 黄岛油库轻油栈桥设计 摘 要 本设计是按给定油库生产操作量和油品运输方式,充分结合黄岛油库所处地理位置和自然条件的基础上,进行的油库常规设计。按生产操作情况,火灾危险程度,经营管理特点等,根据油库设计规范将罐区、泵房、装卸区等分区布置,并设置相应的消防系统和保卫措施。各区设置在满足安全距离的同时充分考虑了地理环境,留有一定的发展空间.以便安全生产,节约资源,降低成本。 黄岛油库每年火车进库97#和93#汽油分别为15.6万和18.7万吨, 0#、 5#柴油分别为10.6万吨和15.8万吨。汽油全部由轮船外运, 0#柴油由管道外运至某工厂, 5#由90%汽车油槽车出库,其余10%装桶出库。另外,油库每年还由油轮进燃料油和重柴油分别20.2万吨和15.6万吨,由输油管外运各12万吨,其余由汽车油槽车出库。 本设计由文字说明、数据计算和图纸绘制三大部分组成。 说明部分包括设计原始数据资料、总图布置说明、工艺流程说明、平面安装图说明以及人员编制等。此外,还有对油库的概述和油库应采用的安全措施作了详细的介绍。 计算部分包括油罐设计容量的计算、装卸油设施的计算、管路的水力计算、选泵并校核、加热器面积计算以及油库消防计算。 绘图部分依据计算和各种规范以及经济因素,在最大限度满足生产要求的条件下,进行较为经济合理的布局,并为油库的扩建和发展留有余地。 关键词: 油库,罐区,输油管,工艺流程。 Huangdao oil depot light oil pier design Abstract The design is a normal oil depot design that fully combines the Huangdao oil depot well the conditional foundation of a geography position and natures up, after given the production homework quantity and the conveyance method . According to the method of production , dangerous degree of fire and management characteristics ,then combine with terminal design specification to make the tank farm, pump room, terminal in Partition layout. And set up corresponding fire control system and security measures. The arrangement of every area meets the safety distance, and at the same time fully combines with the geographical environment, then left some certain space for development. According the safety production ,economy resources, declining low cost to design. Huangdao oil depot keep in reserve 97 # and 93 # gasoline is respectively 156000and 187000 tons by train each year, 0 # and 5 # diesel oil 106000 and 158000 tons respectively. All gasoline feed out by steamship. 0 #diesel oil by pipeline to a certain factory, 5 #dies oil feed out 90% by automobile, the remaining 10% barrel outbound. In addition, the oil depot keep in reserve heavy diesel oil and fuel oil 202000 and 156000 tons by steamship each year respectively, feed out by pipelines 120000 tons each, the rest outbound by automobile. The design, data calculations an


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