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经典文档 下载后可编辑复制 XX大学 毕业设计 设计名称 重载运输下的铁路简支钢桁梁桥加固设计 姓 名 ____ 学 号 _ 学 院 土木工程学院 专业班级 桥梁工程班_ 指导教师 重载运输下铁路简支钢桁梁桥加固设计 专业:土木工程 姓名:XX 指导老师:XX 摘 要 该铁路桥位于甘肃省嘉峪关市境内,建于上世纪60年代,共三跨,全长184米,其中两跨为上承式简支钢桁梁桥,跨度均为64米。一跨为预应力混凝土简支梁桥,跨度为28.7米。由于钢桥服役年限较长,且桥上交通运输量的逐年增长及运输速度的不断提高,桥梁安全运营可能存在隐患。本设计根据铁路桥梁标准中—活载及今后将施行的重载运营要求,依照《铁路桥梁检定规范》对此钢桁桥的各受力杆件强度、连接点强度、横向刚度等进行相关检算、分析。通过计算得出此钢桥在重载作用下,下弦杆及部分节点板承载力不足。依据《铁路桥涵设计基本规范》及《铁路桥梁钢结构设计规范》对该钢桥采用增加重力式桥墩的方法进行加固,并给出相应的加固设计计算。经分析验算每片上承式简支钢桁梁加固方案合理、能够实现预定的加固要求,加固后该桥的承载力能满足目前及今后重载运营指标,符合设计任务的要求。 关键词 铁路钢桁梁桥,承载力验算,加固设计,增加重力式桥墩,节点板 ABSTRACT Within the territory of the railway bridge is located in the city of Jia Yu Guan in gansu province, built in the 1960s, a total of three cross, two of the cross for the simply supported steel truss bearing type, a cross for prestressed concrete beam bridge. Because the service life of steel bridge is longer, and traffic on the bridge increased year by year, and the constant improvement of the transportation speed. Bridges safety operation there may be a hidden danger. According to the railway bridge standard live load and the future will be implemented overload operation requirements and in accordance with《the railway bridge verification code》, we checked the main girder of steel bridge bar,and vertical and horizontal beams, longitudinal and transverse stiffness etc related check computation analysis. Found the steel bridge under the effect of overloading, the bearing capacity of the bottom chord and partial node plate. According to《he basic specifications for design of railway bridges》and《the railway bridge girder steel structure design specification》,we shall increase in main girder of the steel bridge reinforcement scheme, and gives the corresponding reinforcement design. Through analysis and calculation, the calculation of this reinforcement scheme is correct and reasonable .After strengthening, the bridge bearing capacity and lateral stiffness is strong


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