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必威体育精装版精品文档,知识共享! PAGE PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT - 1 - 钢结构厂房概预算 摘 要 本次设计的任务是编制邯郸市邯运汽贸维修车间(三)(土方工程)工程量清单及投标书。本工程采用门式轻型钢结构,工程建筑面积2798.75m2,宽度45.73 m,长度59.76m,高度10.15m。结构的安全等级为二级,耐火类别为丁类、防火等级为二级,建筑物抗震设防烈度为7度。 工程量清单的编制依据《建筑工程工程量清单计价规范》(GB50500-2008)和设计图纸等进行了清单的合理划分。清单项包括分部分项工程量清单39项,措施项目清单13项和其他项目清单3项,并对各清单进行了清单工程量计算。 技术标主要依据《建筑施工手册》(第四版)、《轻型钢结构设计手册》、施工图纸、设计变更等编制而成,对工程概况、施工部署、施工进度计划、施工准备与资源配置计划、主要施工方案、施工现场平面布置图、安全文明施工措施等进行了详细说明。计划于2012年3月12日开工,总工期为三个月。 商务标严格按照《河北省消耗量定额工程量计算规则汇编》(GB50500-2008) 中的各项说明、工程量计算规则和施工方案进行了计价工程量的统计,套用了《全国统一建筑工程基础定额河北省消耗量定额》(HEBGYD-A-2008)、《全国统一建筑装饰工程消耗量定额河北省消耗量定额》(HEBGYD-B-2008)及《河北省建筑、安装、市政、装饰装修工程费用标准》(HEBGFB-1-2008)对人工费、材料费、机械费、管理费和利润进行计算,确定分部分项工程及措施项目工程的综合单价,经汇总记取了规费和税金,最后以3013108.48元报价。 Abstract The design of the task is the establishment of Handan City, Han Yun Qimao Repair Workshop ( three) ( Earthworks ) engineering quantity list and tender. This project uses the door type light steel structure, construction area of 2798.75 m2, width of 45.73 m, length 59.76m, intensity is 7 degrees. Preparation of bill of quantity based on the code of valuation with bill quantity of construction works ( GB50500-2008) and design drawings of the rational classification list. All project is divided into sub engineering quantity list 39, list 13 items measure project and other project list 3 items on the list, and the list of engineering quantity calculation. Technical standard based primarily Building Construction Handbook ( Fourth Edition ), light steel structure design manual, construction drawings, design changes, prepared, on the general situation of the project, construction plan, overall construction preparation and resource allocation plan, major construction programs, construction schedule plan, the construction site layout, guarantee the civilized construction technical measures in detail. Plans to start construction in March 12, 2012, total time limit for a project is 3 months. Business standard strictly in accordance with


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