外贸函电练习题 (含答案)..doc

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1、承蒙新加坡商会告知贵公司名址, 并获悉贵号拟进口中国生产的电器用品. We owe your name and address to Singapore Chamber of Commerce who have told us that you wish to import electric goods manufactured in China. 2、我们收到你方十月二十五日对我们洗衣机的询价。 We are pleased to received your enquiry of 25th October for our Washing Machines. 3、很高兴收到贵方3月22日的询盘,得知贵方对我公司产品感兴趣。 Thank you for your enquiry of 22nd March and are pleased to know that you are interested in our products. 4、贵方若能迅速仔细地处理我方对缝纫机的询盘,我们将不胜感激. We would appreciate it if you could give prompt and careful attention to our enquiry for Sewing Machines. 5、 你方所需的200台洗衣机目前都有现货可供。 The 200 sets of Washing Machines you want are available from stock. 6、一旦收到你方具体询盘,我们将立即给你们报最优惠的上海到岸价。 Upon receipt of your specific enquiry, we will quote you our best price CIF Shanghai immediately. 7、按照要求,我们报盘三百辆飞鸽牌自行车如下: As requested, we are making you an offer for 300 Flying Pigeon Bicycles as follows. 8、倘若你方电开九百台电扇上海到岸价,我们将不胜感激. We would appreciate it if you could cable us an offer for 900 sets of Electric Fans on CIF Shanghai basis. 9、如果你方认为这一报盘可以接受,请即来电,以便我方确认。 If you find the offer acceptable, please cable us for our confirmation. 10、我方报价合理,相信能为你方所接受。 As the price quoted by us is reasonable, we trust the above will be acceptable to you. 11、按照你们的要求,我们报50公吨绿豆的实盘如下,以一周之内你方复到为准。 As requested, we are making you a firm offer for 50 M/T of Soy Beans, subject to your reply reaching us within one week. 12、兹确认我们今晨给你们电报五十公吨花生的实盘,一周内复到有效. We confirm having making you a firm offer for 50 metric tons of groundnuts by cable, which is subject to your reply reaching us within a week. 13、滋答复你方信函, 我方认为你们的价格与市场行情不一致。 In reply to your letter, we find your price out of line with the present market. 14、由于工资和原料价格大幅上涨,很抱歉无法按我方半年前所报价格接受订单。 As wages and prices of materials have risen considerably, we regret we are not in a position to accept the order at the prices we quoted half a year ago. 15、因为订单过多,我们只能接受11月船期的订单。 Owing to heavy orders, we can accept orders for shipment in November only. 16、我们对贵方产品的价格和质量都很满


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