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主讲: 刘军士 speaker:Liu junshi 一 概论 general Introduction 1 定义:挖掘机是一种主要用于开挖土石方的施工机械。 Definition : An excavator is used in the excavation of earth and construction machinery 2 工作过程:它是用铲斗上的斗齿切削土壤并装入斗内,装满土后提升铲斗并回转到卸土地点卸土,然后再使转台回转、铲斗下降到挖掘面,进行下一次挖掘。 Working Scoop :It uses the tooth of the bucket to cut soil and packed inside the bucket. Fill the bucket with soil and upgrade back to the point of dumping, and then rotate the platform, drop the bucket to the tap surface,then the next excavation. 3 用途:挖掘机在建筑、筑路、水利、电力、采矿、石油、天然气管道铺设和军事工程中被广泛地使用。 Excavators uses : in building roads, water, power, mining, oil and gas pipeline laying project has been the widespread use of the military. 4 主要作业对象:挖掘机主要用于筑路工程中的路基开挖,建筑工程中开挖基础,水利工程中开挖沟渠、运河和疏浚河道,在采石场、露天开采等工程中剥离和矿石的挖掘等。据统计,工程施工中约60%的土石方量是靠挖掘机完成的。 Main operating target for major highway projects : the excavator used in subgrade excavation, construction excavation foundation Excavation of water ditches, canals and river dredging, quarries,opencast mining projects such as stripping and ore mining.According to statistics, about 60% of earthwork construction is completed by the excavator 5 其它用途:挖掘机更换工作装置后还可进行浇筑、起重、安装、打桩、夯土和拔桩等作业。 Other uses : replacement of the devices also catch excavators, cranes, the installation of the pile, Ramming and the Diocesan piling operations. 6 工作条件 Working conditions 6.1 液压挖掘机正常工作环境温度为-20℃~55℃。 Hydraulic excavators normal working temperature: -20 ° C ~ 55 ° C 6.2 液压挖掘机应能在Ⅲ级土壤中正常作业,对冻土层和岩石,需松裂和爆破后方可施工,且须使用岩石型铲斗进行作业;岩石型铲斗斗齿须满足JG/T 90-1999 的要求. Ⅲ soil hydraulic excavator should be able to work normally, and the rock layer of permafrost, and the need to split the song blasting before construction.Rock requires the use of bucket for operations; Rock Bucket Tooth JG/T 90-1999 must meet the requirements 6.3 轮胎式挖掘机在岩石工况作业时,对轮胎进行必要的保护。 Tire excavator is operated in rock condition, the tires should have necessary protection. 6.4 海拔3000 m能正常工作。 altitude of 3
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