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五个孩子和沙精 Five Children and It HYPERLINK /read.php?ys=1d=sc/wghzhsj/005ch=1英文 HYPERLINK /read.php?ys=2d=sc/wghzhsj/005ch=1中文 HYPERLINK /read.php?ys=3d=sc/wghzhsj/005ch=1双语对照 HYPERLINK /read.php?ys=4d=sc/wghzhsj/005ch=1双语交替 HYPERLINK /index.php首页 HYPERLINK /read.php?ys=3d=sc/wghzhsj/005目录 HYPERLINK /read.php?ys=3d=sc/wghzhsj/005ch=2下一章 HYPERLINK javascript:dictEnable()关闭鼠标取词 1 Beautiful Children 1 漂亮的孩子 The house was about four kilometres from the station,but after only a minute or two the children began to ask, Are we nearly there?And every time they saw a house they said, Oh, is this it?But it never was. Then they came to the top of a hill, and there was a White house with a green garden and lots of fruit trees. Here we are!Mother said. 他们的新家距车站大约四公里远,而每过一两分钟孩子们就开口问:“我们快到了吗?”而且他们每看到一幢房子都说:“哦,是这个吗?”可总不是。接着他们来到一个山顶,那儿有一幢带有绿色的花园和很多果树的白房子。“我们到了!”母亲说。 Everyone hurried to get out of the carriage—— Robert,Anthea, Jane, Cyril, and Martha, the nursemaid, with the baby. But Mother did not hurry. The children ran round the house and all through the garden to see what there was. But Mother stood and watched the driver while he carried the boxes into the house. 大家急忙下车——罗伯特、安西娅、简、西里尔,还有抱着婴孩的保姆马莎。可母亲不慌不忙。孩子们绕着房子跑,都穿过花园看看那里有什么。但是赶车人把箱子搬到房子里去时妈妈站着看着他。 The children loved the house. They knew immediately that they were going to be happy there. Mother did not like the house very much because it was old and there were no cup-boards. But it was deep in the country and after two years in London the children thought that it was wonderful. If you live in London and your family is not rich, you get bored because you cannot go to shops and theatres ,and people say, Dont do this and Dont go there. In the country you can go any-where and do anything. 孩子们喜欢这房子。他们马上就明白在那儿他们会很快活的。母亲不太喜欢这房子,因为它很旧,也没有柜子。可是这房子位于真正意义上的乡间;在伦敦住了两年之后,孩子们认为这一点太好了。要是住在伦敦可你的家庭又不富有,你就会觉得厌倦,因为你不能去商店和剧场,人们还会说“不许干这个”、“不许去那儿”的。在乡下你想去哪儿就去哪儿,想干什么就干什么。 The white house was on


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