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沈阳理工大学学士学位论文 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT IV 摘 要 温湿度控制已经成为了21世纪热门研究。无论是从生产还是生活,温湿度都与我们人类都是息息相关的。而智能化的温湿度控制系统的发展方向已成为一种必然趋势。我们思维方式不可能一直原地不动,不能再坚守旧时代利用大量人力资源来控制温度和湿度的变化。这样不但浪费大量的人力财力资源,而且控制系统功能也比较单一化,适用场合也有很大的局限性。而使用自动的智能控制的方式,既节省了人力财力,更加体现出了与时俱进的辩证思想,世界在进步,而这种进步就该体现在生活中的各个细节方面。传统的温湿度测量方法周期长,效率低,管理很不方便,发生故障时,更要花费大量人力物力来查找。尤其是用于温室采样数据频繁情况条件下,采用无线传输系统更显现出他的优越性。该系统可对温度实现现场和远程智能化在线检测和预警。该系统在测温精度上达到了一定的水平。而在温度采集速度上,由于使用了独立的温度补偿电路,有效地提高了温度测量的灵敏度和系统稳定性。另外,由于使用了存储芯片,可以保存实时数据,提高了系统的可靠性,是一种价格低廉方便实用的系统,可在生产上推广应用。 为了实现这种对环境状况监测,于是设计了一种基于Arduino的环境状况监测系统。该系统以Arduino UNO为研究重点、编写出Arduino UNO程序、实现将传感器数据上传到监测平台。以及用计算机作为客服端查看连接到Arduino UNO上的传感器数值。实验表明、这种设计能够以经济、高效的方式实现无线数据采集、可用于境状况的快速监测。 关键词:Arduino;程序设计;环境状况监测 Abstract Temperature and humidity control has become a hot research in the 21st century. Both in terms of production and life, our human beings are closely linked to temperature and humidity. And the development direction of intelligent temperature and humidity control system has become an inevitable trend. The way of our thinking can be changed. We are unable to stick to control the change of temperature and humidity with so many people in old stage. It is not only waste a lot of manpower resource, but also the function of control system is simplified and it is applied in occasion significant limitations. While using auto intelligent control not only save manpower but also reflects the dialectical thought of keeping pace with the time. The world has changed . This progress should be reflected in every detail of life. The traditional method of temperature and humidity measurement cycle is long, the efficiency is low and the management is not very convenient. When a failure occurs, people should spend a lot of manpower material resources to find it. Especially for greenhouse under the working conditions of frequent sampling data, using wireless transmission system showed his superiority. The system can be achieved on the temperature field and remote intelligent


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