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辽宁石油化工大学继续教育学院论文 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT I 单片机电风扇控制系统的设计 摘要 本论文设计了一个单片机电风扇控制系统。系统采用MCS-52单片机为控制核心,设计了按键电路、显示电路和过热保护电路,并采用C语言进行编程、调试和仿真,实现了电风扇的几项基本功能:电机的正反转功能,0-990秒的定时功能,以及自然、正常、睡眠三种风类的选择功能。经过多次的测试与电路的调整、系统的各项功能均能正常实现。 本设计主要用4位数码管实时显示电风扇的工作状态,最高位显示风类:“自然风”显示“1”、“正常风”显示“2”、“睡眠风”显示“3”。后3位显示定时时间:动态倒计时显示剩余的定时时间,无定时显示“000”。 设计“自然风”,“正常风”和“睡眠风”三个风类键用于设置风类;设计一个“定时”键,用于定时时间长短设置;设计一个“摇头”键用于控制电机摇头。 在整个定时状态下,电路具有允许用户随时自行选择使用“自然风”状态,也可选择使用“常风”和“睡眠风”状态。 关键词:MCS-52,电风扇,保护电路,定时 Single-chip design of the control system of electric fans Abstract This paper designed a single-chip computer fan control system. System adopts MCS - 52 microcontroller as the control core, designed the key circuit, display circuit and overheat protection circuit, and USES the C language programming, debugging and simulation, the implementation of the electric fans several basic functions: motor positive and negative transfer function of the timing function of 0-990 seconds, and natural, normal, sleep three wind class selection function. After many tests and adjustment of the circuit, system functions are implemented properly. This design mainly use four digital tube display work status of electric fans, top shows wind class: natural display 1, normal wind 2, sleep display 3. After three display timing time: dynamic countdown display the rest of the regular time, no time shows 000. Design natural, normal wind and sleep three wind classes button is used to set the wind; To design a time button, used for timing set length of time; To design a shake button is used to control the motor shook his head. In the condition of the timing, circuit has the allows the user to choose to use the natural state at any time, also can choose to use a wind and sleep state. Keywords: MCS - 52, electric fan, protection circuit and timing 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc384739131 摘要 PAGEREF _Toc384739131 \h I HYPERLINK \l _Toc384739132 Abstract PAGEREF _Toc384739132 \h II HYPERLINK \l _Toc384739134 1绪论 P


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