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word文档可编辑 毕业设计(论文) 直流电机综合性能仿真 学 号: 姓 名: 专 业: 电气工程及其自动化 系 别: 机械与电气工程系 指导教师: XXXX 讲师 XXX 副教授 二○一七年六月 word文档可编辑 摘 要 直流电机具有良好的线性调速特性,简单的控制性能,高效率,优异的动态特性,现在仍是大多数调速控制电动机的最优选择,而仿真对于控制系统的分析、设计和验证具有重要的意义,使用MATLAB中的Simulink工具箱可以进行控制系统的仿真。作者借助于MATLAB 7.0软件,对一些典型的直流电机控制系统进行了仿真研究,实现了不同模型的动态仿真,对系统作了稳态和动态性能指标分析。对直流电机调速系统,采取纯电气原理图结构搭建混合模块的系统模型仿真。对数字PID控制算法进行了设计,包括简单的数字PID控制算法,同时在该调速系统中引入直流电机脉冲宽度调制(PWM)调速方法。研究了利用仿真手段整定计算机控制直流电机系统的采样周期和PID参数的方法,以获得优良的系统调速性能。 关键词:MATLAB:仿真;直流电机;调速;PID word文档可编辑 ABSTRACT The simulation is of great significance to analyze,design and validate the control system.The simulation of control system can be camed out through using MATLAB programming language and MATLAB/Simulink toolbox.The study on a couple of typical DC control systems with MATLAB 7.0 has bean carried out by the author,and the system simulation based on difierent MATt,AB modds has been realized,including the simulation oftbe system model which is purely constructed by the transfer function blocks,the simulation of the system model which is made up of hybrid Simulink blocks and the simulation ofthe system model coming from MATLAB programming,and the features ofthe above ways are illustrated。The analyze of dynamic and stable performance and index of these DC machine control systems is also done in this study . Moreover,the simulation study on digital PID controlled DC control systems is also done in this research,including the simulation of simple digital PID control algorithm and the simulation of partial differential and integral separation,two kinds of improved digilal PID control algorithms.The method of tuning by simulation the sampling time and the PID control parameters 0f digital DC control system is studied to obtain good speed regulation performance。 KEYWORDS:MATLAB;simulation;DE machine;speed regulation;PID 目 录 摘 要 i ABSTRACT ii 目 录 iii 1 绪论 1 1.1 直流调速系统的简介 1 1.2 本课题国内外研究现状 1 1.3 计算机仿真研究背景和发展状况 2 1.4 本设计的主要内容 3 2 直流电机调速系统 4 2.1 调速的性能指标 4 2.1.1 调速范围 4 2.1.2 调速平滑性 4 2.1.3 调速的


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