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PAGE 2013 届本科毕业设计(论文) 题目:   大学生开网店的可行性分析     班 级: 考 籍 号:      姓 名:   指导教师:   2013 年 4 月 大学生开网店的可行性分析 学生姓名: 考 籍 号: 教 学 点: 经贸校区 班 级: 指导教师: 完成日期: 大学生开网店的可行性分析 大学生开网店的可行性分析 摘要 随着互联网在中国的进一步普及应用,网上购物逐渐成为人们普遍接受的购物形式。网店也因其门槛低、启动资金少等优势逐渐得到人们的认可。 20世纪末以来,随着国家对教育加大投入,能够接受高等教育的大学生越来越多,加上2008年以来,全球经济的衰退导致大学生的就业形势日益严峻,面对日益严峻的就业形式,不少大学生主动选择在网上开店进行自主创业。 大学生因为涉世不深,在网上开店的过程中遇到了这样那样的问题。本文根据目前网上开店的现状,分析了大学生开网店的优势及劣势,并从一个投资者的角度对大学生开网店的可行性进行了分析,并对开网店的大学生提出了合理建议。 关键词:大学生;网店;可行性分析 The feasibility analysis of opening for college student Abstract With the further popularization and application of Internet in China, online shopping has become a widely accepted shopping form. Also, the net store was gradually approved because of the advantages low of threshold and a small start-up funding. Since the end of the twentieth Century, along with the increasing investment in education, more and more college students can receive higher education. Global economic recession, since 2008, led to increasingly serious employment situation for college student, under the increasingly severe employment situation, many students take the initiative to choose setting up net shop . During opening net shop, for inexperience, college students encountered many problems. This paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of college students opening shop, basing on the present situation of the net shop. And the feasibility of opening net shop for college students is analyzed from an investor perspective, and suggestions are put forward. Key words: college student; net store; the feasibility analysis 大学生开网店的可行性分析 目 录 1绪论………………………..……………………….……………….……….……1 1.1 研究的背景 ………………………..……….………………………………….1 1.2 研究意义………………………..………….…………………………………..2 1.3 大学生开设网店的现状…..………………………………………………..….3 1.4 研究内容………..……………………………………………………………...4 2 网上开店的优势与劣势…


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