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PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 6 Lesson 6 Disappearing Through the Skylight 练习题答案/answer Ⅰ . 1. Lysenko : Trofim Denisovich Lysenko (1898-- 1976), Russian agronomist. As president of the Lenin All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences he became the scientific and administrative leader of Soviet agriculture. In 1937 he was made a member of the Supreme Soviet and head of the institute of Genetics of the Soviet Academy of Sciences. He first became known for his process (vernalization) of moistening and refrigerating the seed of spring wheat thereby reputedly imparting to it the characteristics of winter wheat. He became the leader of the Soviet school of genetics that opposed the theories of heredity accepted by most geneticists and supported the doctrine that the characteristics acquired through environmental influences are inherited. Lysenko rejected neo-Mendelism and was a disciple of the Russian horticulturist I. V. Michurin. Ly senkol s theories were offered as Marxist orthodoxy and won the official support (1948) of the Soviet Central Com- mittee. However, they were severely criticized after the death of Stalin in 1953, and in 1956 he was removed as director of the Institute of Genetics, which resulted in there turn of Soviet biological thought to the mainstream of international scientific ideas. 2. Leonardo. Leonardo da Vinci (1452 -- 1519), Italian painter, sculptor, architect, musician, engineer, and scientist, born near Vinci, a hill village in Tuscany. In 1466 he moved to Florence, where he entered the workshop of Verrocchio. Early in his apprenticeship he painted an an-gel, and perhaps portions of the landscape, in Verrocchio s Baptism of Christ. The culmination of Leonardo s art during his first period in Florence is the magnificent unfinished Adoration of the Magi commissioned in 1481 by the monks of San Donato a Scopeto. In this work is revealed the integration of dramatic movement and chiaroscuro that characterizes the master s mature style, He went


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