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PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 Yang。 一、判断题(10*2’) ( T )1、A company’s return on equity will always equal or exceed its return on assets. 一个公司的权益收益率总是大于或等于其资产收益率。 ( T)2、A company’s assets-to-equity ratio always equals one plus its liabilities-to-equity ratio. 一个公司的资产权益比总是等于1加负债权益比。 ( F )3、A company’s collection period should always be less than its payables period. 一个公司的应收账款回收期总是小于其应付账款付款期。 ( T )4、A company’s current radio must always be larger than its acid-test-radio. 一个公司的流动比率一定大于速动比率。 ( F )5、Economic earnings are more volatile than accounting earnings. 经济利润比会计利润更加变动不定。 ( F )6、Ignoring taxes and transactions costs , unrealized paper gains are less valuable than realized cash earnings. 若不考虑税收和交易成本,未实现的纸上盈利不如已实现的现金盈利有价值。 ( F)7、A company’s sustainable growth rate is the highest growth rate in sales it can attain without issuing new stock. 一家公司的可持续增长率是他在不增发新股情况下所能取得的最高的销售增长率。 ( F )8、The stock market is a ready source of new capital when a company is incurring heavy losses 当一家公司蒙受惨重损失时,股票市场即为它随时可动用的新的资本来源。 ( T )9、Share repurchases usually increase earnings per share. 股票回购通常增加每股收益。 ( T)10、Companies often buy back their stock because managers believe the shares are undervalued. 因为管理者相信股票被低估了,所以公司经常买回它们的股票。 ( F )11、Only rapidly growing firms have growth management problems. 只有快速增长的公司才有增长管理的问题。 ( F )12、Increasing growth increases stock price. 提高增长增加股票价格。 二、名词解释(5*3’) 1、The balance sheet P6 A balance sheet is a financial snapshot , taken at a point in time , of all the assets the company owns and all the claims against those assets. 资产负债表相当于一张财务快照,它反映了企业在某一时点上拥有的全部资产和与之相对的全部要求权。 2、EBIT P15 EBIT is earnings before interest and taxes , a useful and widely used measure of business’s income before it is divided among creditors , owners , and the taxman. 息税前利润是一项十分有用且被广泛应用的利润度量指标,度量在向债权人支付利息、向所有者支付股利和向税务当局缴纳税款之前的利润。 3、Return on Equity P36 ROE is a measure of earnings per dollar of invested equit


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