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26 4 Vol. 26, No. 4
20 10 8 Structural Engineers Aug. 20 10
王依群 曹 茹
( , 300072)
国家行业标准5混凝土异形柱结构技术规程6 ( JGJ 149) 2006) 颁布实施以来, 全国建 异形柱
结构的数目逐年增加相对于矩形柱结构来讲, 异形柱结构仍处于少数, 所以, 多数 计单位采用的
计软件 PKPM-SATWE 关于异形柱结构 计计算功能还远不如矩形柱结构的相关功能完善, 计人员对
用该软件 计异形柱结构也有不熟悉的地方, 甚至出现用混凝土规范对矩形柱的规定 计异形柱, 造成
异形柱结构的安全度降低针对此, 介绍了使用 PKPM 软件 计异形柱结构要注意的事项, 特别是目前
钢筋混凝土, 异形柱, PKPM, 计, 软件
Key Issues in Design of Structures with Specially
Shaped Columns by Using PKPM Software
WANG Y iqun CAO Ru
( School of C ivil Engineering, T ianjin Universit , T ianjin 300072, China)
Abstract S ince the Techn ical specifaction for concrete structures w ith speciall shaped columns w as issued,
the number of this k ind of structures has been increacing ear b ear. But, compared w ith structures w ith
rectangle columns, the number of structures w ith speciall shaped columns is in the m inorit . So, some
designers are not fam iliar w ith the later as same as the former, the same situation w as occurred in the
calcu lation function ofPKPM design softw are. For example, some aspects of the structures w ith speciall shaped
columns designed b the designers using PKPM softw are w ere accordance w ith the specifaction for structures
w ith rectangle coulmns, it poses a threat to the safet of the structures. From th is point of view, some ke issues
in the design of th is kind of structures b using PKPM softw are are d iscussed, particu larl about the d ifference
betw een the softw are and the specifaction.
K eywords reinforced concrete, speciall shaped colu