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PAGE word文档可编辑 word文档可编辑 本 科 毕 业 设 计 题 目:客户关系管理系统后台设计 客户关系管理系统后台设计 摘 要:在日新月异的市场上,企业已经意识到客户资源的重要性,拥有客户就是拥有市场,而crm系统强调以客户为核心,因此是企业生存和发展的关键因素,它为企业提供一个全新的视角,它通过整合客户资源,能够帮助企业及时了解客户需求,挖掘新客户,并为客户提供优质的服务,提高客户对企业的信任度,使企业的收益最大化,大大的提高企业的核心竞争力。 本小组正是意识到crm系统的价值,因此决定以这个主题作为毕业设计。本系统采用MVC模式,利用统一建模工具对系统进行分析设计,前台用Ext js框架,后台用struts,spring,hibernate整合开发;本系统主要由营销管理,客户管理,服务管理,统计报表,基础数据管理,系统管理等模块构成,本人主要负责服务管理、基础数据管理,系统管理的设计与实现 关键词:crm系统;B/S架构;JSP;Ext js SSH; Abstract: In the ever-changing market, companies have realized the importance of customer resources with customers is to have a market, and CRM system emphasizes customer as the core, and therefore is a key factor in the survival and development, it is to provide enterprises with a new perspective,and through the integration of customer resources,it can help enterprises to understand customer needs in a timely manner, so as to tap new customers, and to provide customers with quality service, as well as increasing customer confidence in the enterprise, so that the revenue maximization, greatly improve the core competitiveness of enterprises. our team is aware of the value of the CRM system, it was decided to this topic as a graduation project. The system uses the MVC pattern, using the Unified Modeling tools for system analysis and design, the future with the Ext JS framework, the background with struts, spring, hibernate integration development; system mainly consists of marketing management, customer management, service management, statistical reports, basic data management, system management module, and I am in charge service management, basic data management, system management the Design and Implementation Keywords: crm system; B / S architecture; the JSP; Ext JS SSH; 目 录 TOC \o 1-2 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc356122971 一 可行性分析 PAGEREF _Toc356122971 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc356122972 (一)系统处理流程 PAGEREF _Toc356122972 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc356122973 (二)系统数据流程 PAGEREF _Toc356122973 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc356122974 二


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