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《电气原理基础知识》 Basic Knowledge of Electrical Principles 中联重科工程起重机分公司 Zoomlion Mobile Crane Branch Company 2013. 04 April 2013 3、汽车起重机电气符号认识 Knowledge of Electrical Symbols of Automobile Crane 目录 Contents 1、电路模型 Circuit Model 2、电路原理 Principle of Circuits 电路 Circuit 电路就是由一些电器设备和电子元器件组成的电流流通的闭合路径。 A circuit is a closed path composed of a few electrical equipment and electronic parts and components for current flow. 随着科学技术的进步,电的应用越来越广泛,电路的形式更是多种多样。但是不论电路的具体形式和复杂程度初何变化,它们都是由一些最基本的部件组成的。以最常见的手电筒电路为例,其电路示意如图。 With the development of science and technology, electricity is applied increasingly and the forms of circuits are also diverse. However, no matter how the specific forms and complexity of circuits change, the circuits are composed of the most basic components. Taking the most common flashlight circuit as an example, the schematic diagram of its circuit is as follows: Fig. 1-1-1 Circuit example-flashlight circuit (a) Schematic diagram (b) Circuit model Small bulb Battery Switch 电路的组成 Composition of the circuit 电源:它把其他形式的能量转换成为电能,是电路中电能的来源。例如干电池将化学能转换成电能,发电机将机械能转换成为电能等。电源在电路中起激励作用,在它的作用下产生电流与电压。 Power supply: It is used to convert energy of other forms into electrical energy and it is the source of electrical energy in the circuit. For example, a dry battery converts chemical energy into electrical energy and an electric generator converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. The power supply acts in incentive function in the circuit and current and voltage will be generated under its effect. 负载:它是电路中的用电设备,它把电能转换成为其他形式的能量。例如白炽灯将电能转换成为热能和光能,电动机将电能转换成为机械能等。 Load: It is an electric equipment in the circuit and converts electrical energy into energy of other forms. For example, an incandescent light bulb converts electrical energy into thermal energy and optical energy; and a motor converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. 中间环节:指连接导线和控制电路通、断的开关电器,它们将电源和负载连接起来.形成电流通路。中间环节还包括保证安全用电的保护电器(如熔断器)等。



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