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Improved transportation and road conditions from the eighteenth century onwards enabled the rural population to travel to neighbouring towns where they took advantage of a variety of amusements. 十八世纪以来,交通和道路条件有所改善,农村的人们可以到附近的城镇去,进行多种娱乐活动。 用抽象名词做主语的句子翻译为汉语时,如果直接使用原来的主语非常别扭,经常需要转换为人做主语。这里转换rural population为主语。 把定语从句和主句断开翻译。 Spectator activities increased with the industrialization of the nineteenth century, as theatre, the music halls and sports developed and became available to more people. 剧场、音乐厅和体育运动发展了起来,越来越多的人可以参与其中。因此一些观赏性活动,随着十九世纪工业化的进程,兴盛起来。 industrialization比较抽象,翻译时改为比较具体的名词。 as引导的分句有两个并列的谓语,但翻译为汉语时采用同样的结构比较困难。因此断开翻译为两个句子,后半句转换主语。 The establishments of railway systems and the formation of bus companies initiated the pattern of cheap one-day trips around the country and to the seaside, which were to grow into the mass charter and package tours of contemporary Britain. 铁路网逐步形成,公交公司也开始出现,于是,价格低廉的乡村一日游和海边一日游逐渐兴起,并最终发展成现在的团队游形式。 把原句拆分成短句翻译。 原句主语中的establishments和formation转换词性,改译为动词。 定语从句和主句断开翻译。 The arrival of radio, films and television in the twentieth century resulted in a further huge professional entertainments industry. 二十世纪,收音机、电影、电视相继问世,一个更加巨大的专业娱乐产业形成了。 arrival转译为动词。 句子拆分成短句。 In all these changes, the mixture of participatory, spectator and home-based leisure activities has continued. 在所有这些变化中,参与性、观赏性、家庭娱乐性在活动中不断融合。 mixture由名词转换为动词,而continue从动词转译为修饰动词的副词。 Unit 1 The “arts” once had a somewhat precious and exclusive image associated with notions of high culture, which were usually the province of the middle and upper classes. 艺术曾经被赋予某种珍贵的、独特的形象,同高雅文化联系在一起,而高雅文化一度通常是中上阶层的特权。 定语从句,尤其是比较长的非限制性定语从句通常和主句分开来译。 原句用过去时,又添加once,强调动作发生在过去。翻译时在主句和定语从句中都要添加表示过去的字眼。 The growth of mass and popular culture has increased the potential audience for a wider range of cultural activities, and the availability and scope of the arts has spread to greater numbers of people. 大众流行文化的发展扩大了文化活动潜在观众,使他们参与到更大范围的文化活动中。更多人有可能、有机会接触艺术。 介词for转译为动词。 and引导的并列句翻译时意译,不仅转换了主语,还转换了谓语。 Pop


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