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注:页眉,居中,楷体,五号。阅后删除此文本框。摘 要 注:页眉,居中,楷体,五号。阅后删除此文本框。 随着社会的发展和人们生活水平的提高,人们越来越追求生活的质量。咖啡市场在近几年内发展迅速,截至2009年,全球速溶咖啡已经达到200亿美元,咖啡销售量一直持续稳定的上升。本次设计摒弃了普通咖啡包装的样式,运用新的设计来吸引客户,达到提高销售量与提升品牌价值的目的。 在经过市场调研与大量文献检索,结合我国印刷行业的发展现状,决定为蓝山咖啡这个品牌设计一款新型包装。本次设计具体的工作有:根据目前市场中咖啡包装的现状及发展趋势,介绍选题的背景与意义;根据市场的需求,确定咖啡包装设计的思路及材料选择,内包装采用复合塑料薄膜,外包装采用涂布白板纸,环保又实用,利用专业软件画出其装潢图、尺寸图等,然后设计其相应的印刷工艺;根据现阶段印刷工艺,内包装采用凹版印刷,外包装采用胶版印刷,确定所需要的设备,并对内外包装的印刷的工艺流程做详尽的阐述;最后对本次设计的产品进行相应的成本核算与环境效益评价。 关键词:蓝山咖啡;市场调研;包装设计;印刷工艺设计; Abstract With the social development and peoples living standards improve, people are increasingly seeking quality of life. Coffee market in recent years rapid development, as of 2009, the global instant coffee has reached $ 20 billion, coffee sales have been steadily rising. This design does away with the style of ordinary coffee packaging, the use of the new design to attract customers, to increase sales and enhance brand value purposes. After market research and extensive literature search, combined with the current development of the printing industry, decided to Blue Mountain coffee brand to design a new type of packaging. The design of the concrete work: according to the current market situation and development trend in coffee packaging, introduces the background and significance of the topic; according to market demand, determine coffee packaging design ideas and material selection, packaging composite plastic film, packaging with coated white paper, environmentally friendly and practical, use specialized software to draw their decoration figure, dimension drawings, etc., and then design the corresponding printing process; printing process according to the present stage, the packaging gravure printing, offset printing packaging determine the equipment needed, and the inner and outer packaging printing process to make detailed exposition; Finally, the design of the product and the corresponding environmental benefits costing evaluation. Key Words:Blue Mountain coffee; market research



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