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第三起跑线社区·实用英语口语五十万句之五百句(壹) 1. 爱的感觉真好。Falling in love is so good. 2. 爱能感动世界。Love makes the world go round. 3. 爱情是盲目的。Love is blind. 4. 按老师说的做。Do the same as the teacher tells you. 5. 按你听到的做。Do as youre told. 6. 按我说的去做!Do as I tell you! 7. 按一下这个键。Just press this button. 8. 熬夜没有好处。Its no good sitting up too late. 9. 八点开始上课。Classes begin at eight. 10. 八点十五分见。See you around 8:15. 11. 八字都没一撇。Youre not even close! 12. 把报纸扔给我。Toss me newspaper. 13. 把杯子递给我。Pass me the cup./ Pass the cup to me. 14. 把鼻子擦一擦。Give your nose a wipe. 15. 把车挂上倒挡。Put the car into reverse. 16. 把车开到旁边。Pull over! 17. 把床整理一下。Make the bed. 18. 把红糖递给我。Pass me the brown sugar. 19. 把火关小一点。Turn down the fire. 20. 把她送到门口。Walk her to the door. 21. 把煤气开小些!Turn the gas down! 22. 把那球棒放下。Put that bat down. 23. 把那双鞋穿上。Put on the shoes. 24. 把你的狗叫走。Call your dog off. 25. 把你的手拿开。Get your hands off me! 26. 把牛拴在树上。Fasten an ox to the tree. 27. 把瓶子盖盖上。Put the cap back on the bottle. 28. 把情况说一下。Tell me what happened. 29. 把肉用慢火炖。Let the meat cook slowly. 30. 把烧鸡端上来!Bring on the roast chicken! 31. 把收据拿出来。Get the receipts out. 32. 把收音机关上。Turn off the radio. 33. 把手放在背后。Put your hands behind your back. 34. 把它放在某处。Stick it down somewhere. 35. 把它放在桌上。Lay it on the table. 36. 把它分成两半。Divide it in half. 37. 把他给踢出去。Give him a boot. 38. 把它们包起来。Cover those up. 39. 把它涂成红色。Paint it in red. 40. 把糖放入杯子。Put the sugar in the cup. 41. 把梯子靠着墙。Rest the ladder against the wall. 42. 把玩具还给我。Give back my toy. 43. 把我当作朋友。Treat me as a friend. 44. 把我扶起来吧。Lift me up. 45. 把我给乐坏了。It cracks me up./ I cant stop laughing./ I laugh my heads off. 46. 把香蕉皮剥掉。Peel the skin off the banana. 47. 把箱子拿上来。Bring up the box. 48. 把遥控器给我。Give me the remote. 49. 把衣服脱下来!Off with your clothes! 50. 把椅子拿进来。Bring in the chair. 51. 把音量调小些。Turn it down. 52. 把钥匙给她吧。Give her the key. 53. 把这些球拿走。Take these basketballs away. 54. 把字典拿给我。Bring the dictionary to me. 55. 罢工已经结束。The strike was ended. 56. 白切鸡怎么样?How about soft boiled chicken? 57. 白肉还是红肉?White meat or dark? 58. 白天越来越长。The


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